
Law No. 394/95

COMMENTS: Law No. 394/95 regulated smoking in public places; packaging and labeling; and tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. This law is replaced by Law No. 174.

Law No. 174, Tobacco Control and Regulation of Tobacco Products’ Manufacturing, Packaging and Advertising

COMMENTS: Law No. 174, Tobacco Control and Regulation of Tobacco Products’ Manufacturing, Packaging and Advertising, regulates smoking in public places, workplaces and public transport; tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and tobacco packaging and labeling. The law was published in the official Gazette on September 3, 2011. Smoke free provisions went into effect immediately for all public places, workplaces and public transport, except for restaurants, nightclubs, hotels and other tourism venues, which entered into force September 3, 2012. The law introduced a comprehensive ban on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, effective March 1, 2012. The law increased the size of warning labels from 15% to 40%. This law replaces Law No. 394/95 and Ministerial Decision No. 1/213.

Decree No. 7437

COMMENTS: The by-laws established in Decree No. 7437 address signs at points of sale. The Decree was signed on January 25, 2012 and is to enter into force upon publication. The date of publication is immediately unknown.

Decree No. 8431

COMMENTS: Decree No. 8431 regulates the posting of "No Smoking" signs in smoke free places. The decree specifies the contents and size of the signs and establishes where signs must placed.

Decree No. 8991

COMMENTS: Decree No. 8991 contains the contents and other requirements of the new health warnings to be displayed on all tobacco product packaging by October 2013. However, implementation was been delayed.

Decision No. 1/207 Concerning Withdrawal and Banning of Importation and Trading of E-cigarettes and E-waterpipes

COMMENTS: Decision No. 1/207 Concerning Withdrawal and Banning of Importation and Trading of E-cigarettes and E-waterpipes is the primary legislation governing e-cigarettes.

To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of September 17, 2019 unless otherwise noted.