Carbonnel v. Non-Smokers' Rights Association
Carbonnel, et al. v. Non-Smokers' Rights Association, Case No. 04/01558, Court of Appeals - Paris (2004).
- France
- Oct 21, 2004
- Court of Appeals - Paris
Carbonnel, et al. v. Non-Smokers' Rights Association, Case No. 04/01558, Court of Appeals - Paris (2004).
Two elementary school teachers joined the Non-Smokers’ Rights Association and the Public Minister in alleging that a school unlawfully permitted smoking in the teachers' lounge and sought to impose penalties on two teachers who smoked there. The trial court awarded nominal damages to plaintiffs to be paid by the two teachers, and plaintiffs appealed, seeking higher monetary damages. The court of appeals dismissed the action, holding that the lower court's ruling was appropriate.