FEVACU v. Venezuela
FEVACU, et al v. Venezuela, et al, 08-0520, Sala Constitucional del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia [Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court] (2008).
- Venezuela
- Oct 21, 2008
- Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Sala Constitucional del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia)
Plaintiffs, two individuals and a consumer protection advocate organization, sought legal protection for Venezuelan citizens. Plaintiffs maintained that Venezuela had assumed the obligation of protecting the right to health of its citizens from the harmful effects of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke by undertaking a range of measures by virtue of its ratification of the Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC). Plaintiffs requested that the Court order the government to promote and publish the FCTC in the official gazette, enforce smoke-free regulations, and regulate tobacco products, among others things. Recognizing the rights of the Venezuelan population to life and a healthy and safe environment, the Court declared itself competent to hear the case and admitted the plaintiffs' claim.