Grand River Enterprises Six Nations, Ltd., et al. v. US
Grand River Enterprises Six Nations Ltd and ors v United States, Award, ICSID Case No Case ARB/10/5, IIC 481 (2011), 12th January 2011, ICSID.
- United States
- Jan 12, 2011
- International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes
Several members of the tobacco industry contended that actions taken by various states in the U.S. to implement the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement violated their rights under NAFTA. The Tribunal found that it lacked jurisdiction over all but one of the claimants. The Tribunal ruled against the surviving claimant, finding that contrary to the claimants' expropriation claim, the claimant had not been deprived of ownership or control of his business importing and distributing cigarettes, he did not establish that he had been denied national or most-favored-nation treatment, and he failed to establish that his treatment did not conform to the customary minimum standard of treatment required by NAFTA.