Mertz v. Souza Cruz S.A.

The plaintiff filed a lawsuit against Souza Cruz, a tobacco company, over the health conditions he allegedly suffered from consuming tobacco over many years as result of advertisements aired at the time and the lack of warnings on the consequences of smoking in violation of tobacco control laws. The lower court dismissed the case and the plaintiff appealed to this higher court on the grounds of being denied due process of law, arguing that he was not given the opportunity to produce evidence. The Court admitted the appeal and overturned the lower court's sentence, granting the plaintiff the opportunity to produce evidence.


Eugênio Mertz v. Souza Cruz S A, No. 70003725090, 9a Câmara Civil do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul [9th Civil Chamber of the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul] (2004).

  • Brazil
  • Aug 25, 2004
  • Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul, 9th Civil Chamber (9a Câmara Civil do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul)


Plaintiff Eugênio Mertz

Defendant Souza Cruz S.A.

Legislation Cited

Law No. 9.294 (as amended)

Consumer Protection Code

Ordinance 490/88 of the Ministry of Health

Ordinance 695/99 of the Ministry of Health

Related Documents

Type of Litigation

Tobacco Control Topics

Substantive Issues

Type of Tobacco Product
