Hamdan Amad, Faudi, et al. v. Mexico

The plaintiffs, a group of Mexican citizens, presented an appeal for legal protection claiming that, as persons addicted to smoking, the smoke-free laws violated their constitutional rights by making all closed public spaces smoke-free. The Court dismissed the claim finding that the plaintiffs' addiction to tobacco did not justify their smoking in closed public spaces and that they had the freedom to smoke in other spaces.


Hamdan Amad, Faudi, et al. v. Mexico, Registry No. 167087, Tribunales Colegiados de Circuito [Collegiate Circuit Courts of Mexico](2009).

  • Mexico
  • Jun 29, 2009
  • Collegiate Circuit Courts (Tribunales Colegiados de Circuito)


Plaintiff Faudi Hamdan Amad

Defendant Mexico

Legislation Cited

Law for the Operation of Commercial Establishments in the Federal District (Ley para el Funcionamiento de Establecimientos Mercantiles del Distrito Federal)

Law for the Protection of the Health of Non-Smokers in the Federal District (Ley de Protección a la Salud de los No Fumadores en el Distrito Federal)

Regulation for the Law for the Protection of the Health of Non-Smokers in the Federal District (Reglamento de la Ley de Protección a la Salud de los No Fumadores en el Distrito Federal)

Related Documents

Type of Litigation

Tobacco Control Topics

Substantive Issues

Type of Tobacco Product
