National Committee for Tobacco Control v. Arnaud Roy de Puyfontaine
National Committee for Tobacco Control v. Arnaud Roy de Puyfontaine, et al., No. 02-83740, Court of Cassation (2002).
- France
- Mar 18, 2003
- Court of Cassation
National Committee for Tobacco Control v. Arnaud Roy de Puyfontaine, et al., No. 02-83740, Court of Cassation (2002).
The National Committee for Tobacco Control (CNCT) brought an action against a magazine publisher for violating France’s tobacco advertising law by printing photos of tobacco-sponsored race cars, and the trial court found a violation. The court of appeals, however, found that the publisher did not violate the ban because it did not receive compensation for the photos and the photos only were printed for reporting purposes. The court of cassation found that the court of appeals erred because the law bans "any act, regardless of the purpose, that has the effect of calling to mind tobacco products or brands" and overturned the court of appeals’ decision.