Nicoventures Trading Ltd. v. European Commission

Nicoventures Trading Inc., part of the British American Tobacco Group, and other applicants sought the annulment of Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/2100, which amended Directive 2014/40/EU (Tobacco Products Directive) to ban characterizing flavors in heated tobacco products (HTPs) and impose labeling requirements such as health warnings. The court dismissed the action as inadmissible, holding that the applicants were not justified in claiming that they were individually concerned by the contested measures.


Nicoventures Trading Ltd. v. European Commission, Case T-706/22, Court of Justice of the European Union (2023).

  • European Union
  • Sep 20, 2023
  • Court of Justice of the European Union


Plaintiff Nicoventures Trading Ltd.

Defendant European Commission

Legislation Cited

International/Regional Instruments Cited

Related Documents

Type of Litigation

Tobacco Control Topics

Substantive Issues

Type of Tobacco Product