Non-Smokers' Rights Association v. Le Parc au Cerfs

Defendants, a restaurant and its owner, were cited for failure to post no-smoking signs, failure to maintain appropriate ventilation in areas where smoking was permitted, and for allowing smoking in an enclosed public place in violation of the Public Health Code. Defendants were also cited for creating confusion among patrons regarding where smoking was permitted by enclosing a note on all of its menus asking patrons to refrain from smoking cigars and cigarillos within the premises. Prior to reaching the Court, the restaurant became entirely smoke-free and brought itself into compliance with the law. The Court therefore ordered nominal damages against defendants, but did not require payment of the fine. 


Non-Smokers' Rights Association v. Le Parc au Cerfs, et al., Case No. 07/B60809, Police Tribunal -Paris (2007).

  • France
  • Dec 13, 2007
  • Police Tribunal - Paris



  • Non-Smokers' Rights Association
  • Public Minister


  • Le Parc Aux Cerfs
  • Paul Emile Hayat

Legislation Cited

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