The petitioner is a student who initiated public interest litigation regarding the widespread availability of e-cigarettes on various sale platforms, even though the law prohibits the import, distribution and sale of the products. The court instructed the government to take all necessary steps to ensure that these products are not available on the market, as required by the law.
An individual or organization may sue their own government in order to advance or protect the public interest. For example, an NGO may sue the government claiming the government’s weak tobacco control laws violated their constitutional right to health.
Measures restricting tobacco sales to or by minors, as well as other retail restrictions relating to point-of-sale, candy and toys resembling tobacco products, vending machines, or free distribution.
(See FCTC Art. 16)
A violation of the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health. Public health advocates may claim the public’s right to health is violated by weak tobacco control measures, industry tactics, or an organization’s or smokers’ actions.
Electronic and/or battery-operated devices designed to deliver an inhaled dose of nicotine or other substances. Examples include electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), electronic cigars, electronic cigarillos, electronic hookah, vaporizers, and vape pens. ENDS does not include any device or medication approved by the government as nicotine replacement therapy.
The petitioner is a student who initiated public interest litigation regarding the widespread availability of e-cigarettes on various sale platforms, even though the law prohibits the import, distribution and sale of the products. The court instructed the government to take all necessary steps to ensure that these products are not available on the market, as required by the law.