Legislation by Country/Jurisdiction
Last updated: October 1, 2020
Health Warnings/Messages Features
Law No. 18-11 requires a general text-only health warning ("Use of tobacco is harmful to your health") on the "most visible" (front) part and a specific picture warning on the "other large display area" (back) of unit packs of cigarettes. The law does not specify the size of either warning. Further details will presumably be specified in regulations.
Previously, under Art. 42 of Executive Decree No. 04-331, a text-only health warning was required on the lateral side of boxes, cases, pouches, and packs of tobacco. In addition, one of five text-only supplementary warnings was required on 15% of each large surface of cigarette packs on an alternating basis. However, Art. 42 was amended by Executive Decree No. 19-122 and the specific requirements were replaced with a statement that health warnings and constituents and emissions information will be established via legislative provisions and regulations. Therefore, until regulations are issued implementing Law No. 18-11, the precise health warning requirements - size, rotation, number of warnings to be displayed - are uncertain
To meet FCTC Art. 11 and align with the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines, the law should specify the size and rotation requirements. Rotating health warnings should occupy 50% or more, but no less than 30%, of the principal display areas of the tobacco product package. In addition, the law should require combined picture and text health warnings on both the front and back of the pack.
Law No. 18-11 requires a general text-only health warning ("Use of tobacco is harmful to your health") on the "most visible" (front) part of tobacco product packaging. The law does not specify the size the warning or any requirements for warnings on the back of the package. Further details will presumably be specified in regulations.
Article 43 of Executive Decree No. 04-331 provides that a text-only health warning ("Tobacco use is harmful to your health"), among other messages, must appear in Arabic and French on an adhesive stamp prominently affixed on boxes, cases, or pouches containing snuff or chewing tobacco. The Decree gives no specific instructions on the size, location, or format of the health warning on the tobacco product package. Article 43 was not amended/repealed by Executive Decree No. 19-122; therefore, this requirement appears to remain in effect.
To meet FCTC Art. 11 and align with the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines, the law should specify size, location, and rotation of the health warning. The required size should occupy 50% or more, but no less than 30%, of the principal display areas of the tobacco product package. The law additionally should address the issue of the rotation of multiple messages and the updating of message(s) every 12 to 36 months. In addition, the law should require combined picture and text health warnings and messages.
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