
Health and Workplace Safety Law 19587

COMMENTS: The Health and Workplace Safety Law 19587 is relevant to tobacco control because the ban on smoking applies to all enclosed workplaces protected by the Health and Workplace Safety Law 19587. This law applies to “all establishments and operations, whether for profit or not-for-profit, whatever the economic nature of their activities, the setting where they are performed, the character of the facilities and work stations and types of machinery, materials, devices or procedures that are used or adopted”; thus, all workplaces. 

Law 26467 on Economic Measures to Discourage Tobacco Consumption

07 Jan, 2009

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medical Devices Order 3226/2011 Prohibiting the Marketing and Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems

COMMENTS: National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medical Devices Order 3226/2011 Prohibiting the Marketing and Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems bans the sale, import, distribution, and advertising of e-cigarettes, including the devices and cartridges.

Law 26687 on Advertising and Promotion and Tobacco Product Consumption

COMMENTS: Law 26687 is the primary tobacco control legislation and it regulates, among other things, smoking in public places; tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and tobacco product packaging and labeling.

Resolution 497/2012, Approval of the Graphic Standards for Packaging, Sale and Consumption of Tobacco Products

COMMENTS: Resolution 497/2012, Approval of the Graphic Standards for Packaging, Sale and Consumption of Tobacco Products was issued under Law 26687 and sets forth requirements for the content and format of health warnings on tobacco product packaging and tobacco advertising, and the content and format of no-smoking signs. These warnings were replaced by a new set contained in Resolution 494/2014.

Decree 602/2013, Approval of Regulations of Law 26687 on the "Regulation of Advertising, Promotion and Consumption of Products Made from Tobacco"

COMMENTS: Decree 602/2013 is the implementing regulation issued under Law 26687. It regulates among other things, smoking in public places; tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and tobacco product packaging and labeling.

Resolution 425/2014, General Regimen for Enforcement and Processing of Complaints of Infractions of Law 26687

COMMENTS: Resolution 425/2014 on General Regimen for Enforcement and Processing of Complaints of Infractions of Law 26687 establishes the administrative mechanism by which Law 26687 on the Regulation of Advertising, Promotion and Consumption of Products Made From Tobacco is enforced. This includes a complaint mechanism, investigation process, application of sanctions, and the establishment of a national register of offenders.

Resolution 494/2014

COMMENTS: Resolution 494/2014 updates the contents of the graphic health warnings required to appear on packaging. It also updates the text of the health warning required on permitted forms of tobacco advertising and promotion. These warnings were replaced by a new set contained in Resolution 2236/2015.

Resolution 2236/2015

01 Dec, 2015

COMMENTS: Resolution 2236/2015 updates the contents of the graphic health warnings required to appear on packaging. It also updates the text of the health warning required on permitted forms of tobacco advertising and promotion. These warnings were replaced by a new set contained in Resolution 623/2019.

Resolution 623/2019 (as amended by Resolution 636/2019)

01 Apr, 2019

COMMENTS: Resolution 623/2019 updates the contents of the graphic health warnings required to appear on packaging. It also updates the text of the health warning required on permitted forms of tobacco advertising and promotion. These warnings were replaced by a new set contained in Resolution 3499/2021.

Resolution 3499/2021

07 Dec, 2021

COMMENTS: Resolution 3499/2021 updates the contents of the graphic health warnings required to appear on packaging. It also updates the text of the health warning required on permitted forms of tobacco advertising and promotion.

Resolution 143/2022

21 Jan, 2022

COMMENTS: Resolution 143/2022 approves the Standards for the Dissemination of Information to the Public About the Ingredients of Tobacco Products. These standards prohibit in advertising and on packaging mentioning ingredients, including flavors. They also prohibit figures for emission yields. 

Resolution 565/2023

COMMENTS: Ministry of Health Resolution 565/2023 prohibits the importation, distribution, sale, and advertising, promotion, and sponsorship of heated tobacco products.

To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of February 3, 2020 unless otherwise noted.