Raabo No. AN-V-0081 of 28 February 1988 Concerning the Regulation of Advertising and Places for Tobacco Consumption
COMMENTS: Raabo No. AN-V-0081 of 28 February 1988 Concerning the Regulation of Advertising and Places for Tobacco Consumption was previously the primary legislation governing tobacco products in Burkina Faso. While some of the provisions have been replaced by more recent legislation, some of the provisions on tobacco advertising and promotion remain in effect.
Law No. 23/94/ADP of 19 May 1994, Public Health Code, Chapter VII (excerpts)
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Law No. 025-2001/AN of 25 October 2001 Concerning the Code of Advertising
COMMENTS: Law No. 025-2001/AN of 25 October 2001 Concerning the Code of Advertising regulates advertising and the advertising professions generally. It also contains some provisions specific to advertising and promotion of tobacco products. This law was repealed by Law No. 080-2015/CNT.
Law No. 040-2010 Concerning Tobacco Control in Burkina Faso (as promulgated by Decree No. 2010-823)
COMMENTS: Law No. 040-2010 Concerning Tobacco Control in Burkina Faso (as promulgated by Decree No. 2010-823) is the primary tobacco control law in Burkina Faso and regulates, among other things, smoke free places, tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, and tobacco packaging and labeling.
Decree No. 2011-1052 Concerning the Ban on Smoking in Public Places and Public Transportation
COMMENTS: Decree No. 2011-1052 Concerning the Ban on Smoking in Public Places and Public Transportation implements the requirements for smoke free places under the tobacco control law.
Decree No. 2011-1050, Establishing a National Committee for Tobacco Control
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Decree No. 2011-1051 Concerning the Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Decree No. 2011-1051 Concerning the Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products in Burkina Faso implements the packaging and labeling requirements under the tobacco control law. The Decree was amended by Decree No. 2019/0676.
Law No. 080-2015/CNT Concerning the Regulation of Advertising in Burkina Faso
COMMENTS: Law No. 080-2015/CNT governs advertising and advertising professionals generally. It also contains some provisions specific to advertising and promotion of tobacco products. Law No. 080-2015/CNT repeals any earlier provisions at variance with it, including Law No. 025-2001/AN of October 25, 2001.
The English translation contains relevant excerpts only.
COMMENTS: Joint Administrative Order No. 2015-366/MS/MICA provides the implementing details for the health warnings on tobacco packaging and the ban on misleading packaging and labeling. The Annex contains the first set of two health warnings to be displayed over 24 months (one warning per year).
COMMENTS: Decree No. 2016-926 Concerning Protection of the Educational Domain prohibits tobacco advertising campaigns in the vicinity of educational facilities. The Decree was amended by Decree No. 2020-0259.
Decree No. 2019-0676 Amending Decree No. 2011-1051 Concerning the Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Decree No. 2019-0676 amends Decree No. 2011-1051 Concerning the Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products, clarifying some of the requirements around health warnings on tobacco product packaging.
Decree No. 2020-0259 Amending Decree No. 2016-926 on the Protection of Schools
COMMENTS: Decree No. 2020-0259 amends Decree No. 206-926 on the Protection of Schools. Relevant to tobacco control, the amendments prohibit the consumption and sale of tobacco products and all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship within or in the vicinity of schools.
COMMENTS: Joint Order No. 2021-055 establishes the second set of health warnings required to appear on tobacco product packaging beginning on July 1, 2021. The order includes two combined picture and text health warnings to be displayed over 24 months (one warning per year).
Joint Order No. 2023-322/MSHP/MDICAPME
COMMENTS: Joint Order No. 2023-322 establishes the third set of health warnings required to appear on tobacco product packaging beginning in July 2023. The order includes two combined picture and text health warnings to be displayed over 24 months (one warning per year).