
Correspondence No. 630/3007/CAB/2011 on Health Warnings and Prohibiting the Sale of Cigarettes to Minors and in Certain Public Places

10 Oct, 2011

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Law No. 1/012 of May 30, 2018 on the Code of the Supply of Health Care and Services

COMMENTS: Law No. 1/012 of 2018 is the principal law governing tobacco control in Burundi. The law is comprehensive and provides for restrictions on smoking in public places; restrictions on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and health warnings on packaging and labeling.

Note: The English translation contains relevant excerpts only.

To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of September 17, 2019 unless otherwise noted.