Legislation by Country/Jurisdiction
Last updated: July 29, 2022
Health Warnings/Messages Features
The Ministry of Health has issued four pairs of warnings. Each pair contains two pictorial warnings, one to be placed on 50% of the front of the package and one to be placed on 50% of the back of the package. The warnings should be placed on the lower part of each surface. If inserts are added to the package, the warnings must appear on the front and the back of the insert, also covering 50% of the lower part of each surface.
Each of the four pairs of warnings must appear on an equal number of tobacco packages (i.e., each warning pair must appear on 25% of tobacco packages). The current warnings remain in effect for 24 months from the effective date.
One side surface must contain a descriptive constituents and emissions message.
The law aligns with FCTC Art. 11 and the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines with respect to the size, content, placement, and rotation of health warnings.
The Ministry of Health has issued four pairs of warnings. Each pair contains two pictorial warnings, one to be placed on 50% of the front of the package and one to be placed on 50% of the back of the package. The warnings should be placed on the lower part of each surface. If inserts are added to the package, the warnings must appear on the front and the back of the insert, also covering 50% of the lower part of each surface.
Each of the four pairs of warnings must appear on an equal number of tobacco packages (i.e., each warning pair must appear on 25% of tobacco packages). The current warnings remain in effect for 24 months from the effective date.
One side surface must contain a descriptive constituents and emissions message.
Health warnings must be placed on all tobacco products. However, the content of the warnings issued by the Ministry of Health mainly concern smoked tobacco products, rather than the use of smokeless tobacco products.
To align with FCTC Art. 11 and the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines, the Ministry of Health should issue health warnings for smokeless tobacco products that specifically address the health effects of smokeless tobacco.
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