Act No. 375 on the Manufacture, Presentation and Sale of Tobacco Products (Tobacco Products Act)
COMMENTS: This Act was amended by Act No. 536 of 17 June 2008 and consolidated in Act No. 1022 of 2008. This Act was repealed by Act No. 608 of 2016 on Tobacco Products Etc.
COMMENTS: This Act has been amended by Act No. 532 of 2010 and Act No. 607 of 2012. For current provisions, see Act No. 966 of 2019 to consolidate the act on smoke-free environments.
Act No. 1020 to Consolidate the Law Prohibiting the Sale of Tobacco to Persons Under the Age of 18, and the Sale of Alcohol to Persons Under the Age of 16
COMMENTS: This Act has been amended by Act No. 707 of 2010 and Act No. 327 of 2013. For current provisions, see Act No. 964 of 2019 to Consolidate the Act on the Prohibition of the Sale of Tobacco and Alcohol to Persons Under 18 Years of Age.
Act No. 1021 to Consolidate the Law Prohibiting Advertising, etc. about Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Act No. 1021 of 2008 to Consolidate the Law Prohibiting Advertising, etc. about Tobacco Products is the primary law on tobacco advertising. This law was substantially amended by § 2 of Act No. 327 of 2013 and Act No. 2071 of 2020 amending the Act on the Prohibition of Tobacco Advertising, etc., the Tobacco Products Act, etc., the Electronic Cigarettes Act, etc. and Various Other Acts.
Act No. 532 to Amend the Law on Smoke-free Environments (Act No. 512 of 2007)
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only. For current provisions on smoke free environments, see Act No. 966 of 2019 to Consolidate the Act on Smoke-free Environments.
Decree No. 172 on Limit Values, Measurement Procedures, Labeling, Product Names, etc. for Tobacco Products
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only. For current provisions on emissions limits and testing and health warnings, see Order No. 669 of 2016 on Threshold Limits, Health Warnings and Age Check Systems etc. of Tobacco Products etc.
Act No. 707 to Amend the Law Prohibiting the Sale of Tobacco to Persons Under the Age of 18, and the Sale of Alcohol to Persons Under the Age of 16
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only. For current provisions on sales to minors, see Act No. 964 of 2019 to Consolidate the Act on the Prohibition of the Sale of Tobacco and Alcohol to Persons Under 18 Years of Age.
Decree No. 437 to Amend the Decree on Limit Values, Measurement Procedures, Labeling, Product Names, etc. for Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Decree No. 437 of 2011 to Amend the Decree on Limit Values, Measurement Procedures, Labeling, Product Names, etc. for Tobacco Products is an amendment to Decree No. 172 of 2011 on Limit Values, Measurement Methods, Labeling, Description of Goods etc. for Tobacco Products. It updates the combined health warnings/text. For current provisions on health warnings, see Order No. 669 of 2016 on Threshold Limits, Health Warnings and Age Check Systems etc. of Tobacco Products etc.
Law Amending the Chocolate Tax Act, Tobacco Tax Act, Beer and Wine Tax Act and Various Other Laws
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Act No. 607 to Amend the Law on Smoke-free Environments (Act No. 512 of 2007)
COMMENTS: This Act amends the Act No.512 of 2007 on Smoke-free Environments. For all current provisions, see Act No. 966 of 2019 to Consolidate the Act on Smoke-free Environments.
Act No. 327 to Amend the Law Prohibiting the Sale of Tobacco or Alcohol to Persons Under 18 and the Law Prohibiting Advertising of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: This Act amends the Act Prohibiting the Sale of Tobacco or Alcohol to Persons Under 18 and the Act Prohibiting Advertising of Tobacco Products. For all current provisions, see Act No. 964 of 2019 to Consolidate the Act on the Prohibition of the Sale of Tobacco and Alcohol to Persons Under 18 Years of Age and Act No. 2071 of 2020 Amending the Act on the Prohibition of Tobacco Advertising, etc., the Act on Tobacco Products, etc., the Act on Electronic Cigarettes, etc., and various other acts.
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Order No. 499 on Quality, Labeling, Age Checking Systems, and Advertising etc. of Electronic Cigarettes and Refill Containers etc.
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Order No. 599 on Declaration of Electronic Cigarettes and Refill Containers etc.
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
COMMENTS: Act No. 608 of 2016 on Tobacco Products etc. regulates tobacco product contents and disclosure, packaging and labeling, cross-border distance sales, smoked herbal products, among other things. It was amended by § 1 of Act No. 86 of 30 January 2019. These two Acts are consolidated in Act No. 965 of 2019 to Consolidate the Act on Tobacco Products, Etc. See Act No. 965 of 2019 for the most recent version of this Act.
Order No. 611 on Declarations of Tobacco Products and Herbal Products for Smoking, and Declarations of New Categories of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Order No. 611 of 2016 on Declarations of Tobacco Products and Herbal Products for Smoking, and Declarations of New Categories of Tobacco Products contains regulations regarding disclosure of contents and emissions of tobacco products, annual reports, applications for the licensing of laboratories, cross-border distance sales registration, declarations of new categories of tobacco products and smoked herbal products, and fees.
Order No. 669 on Threshold Limits, Health Warnings and Age Check Systems etc. of Tobacco Products etc.
COMMENTS: Order No. 669 of 2016 on Threshold Limits, Health Warnings and Age Check Systems etc. of Tobacco Products etc. regulates emissions limits for cigarettes, health warnings for tobacco products and herbal products, and age verification systems for distance sales.
Act No. 541 to Amend the Law on the Manufacture, Presentation and Sale of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Act No. 541 of 2015 to Amend the Law on the Manufacture, Presentation and Sale of Tobacco Products bans the retail sale of tobacco not intended for smoking or chewing (i.e., snuff). This Act amends Consolidated Act No. 1022 of 2008 on the Manufacture, Presentation and Sale of Tobacco Products, which was repealed by Act No. 608 of 2016 on Tobacco Products.
Order No. 1064 on Studies of Specific Additives in Tobacco Products and More Detailed Requirements for Labeling and Packaging of Cigarettes and Rolling Tobacco etc.
COMMENTS: Order No. 1064 of 2016 on Studies of Specific Additives in Tobacco Products and More Detailed Requirements for Labeling and Packaging of Cigarettes and Rolling Tobacco etc. contains requirements regarding studies of additives, labeling, and minimum package size.
COMMENTS: Act No. 966 of 2019 to Consolidate the Act on Smoke-free Environments regulates smoking in public places.
COMMENTS: Act No. 965 of 2019 to Consolidate the Act on Tobacco Products, etc. is the primary piece of legislation regulating tobacco packaging and labeling, cigarette contents and disclosure, cross border distance sales, smoked herbal products, among other things. It also prohibits the sale of smokeless tobacco products, other than those that are inhaled or chewed. Act No. 965 of 2019 was amended by Act No. 2071 of 2020.
Act No. 964 to Consolidate the Act on the Prohibition of the Sale of Tobacco and Alcohol to Persons Under 18 Years of Age
COMMENTS: Act No. 964 of 2019 to Consolidate the Act on the Prohibition of the Sale of Tobacco and Alcohol to Persons Under 18 Years of Age prohibits the sale tobacco to persons under the age of 18.
Act No. 2071 to Amend the Act on the Prohibition of Tobacco Advertising, etc., the Act on Tobacco Products, etc., the Act on Electronic Cigarettes, etc. and various other acts
COMMENTS: Act No. 2071 of 2020 to amend the Act on the Prohibition of Tobacco Advertising, etc., the Tobacco Products Act, etc., the Electronic Cigarettes Act, etc. and various other acts contains substantive amendments to the Act on the Prohibition of Tobacco Advertising, the Tobacco Products Act, the Electronic Cigarettes Act, the Act on the Prohibition of the Sale of Tobacco and Alcohol to Persons Under 18 Years of Age, the Act on Smoke-free Environments, and the Danish Medicines Act.
Order No. 570 on the Prohibition of Visible Placement and Display, etc. of Tobacco Products, Tobacco Substitutes and Herbal Smoking Products
COMMENTS: Order No. 570 of 2021 on the Prohibition on Visible Placement and Display, etc. of Tobacco Products, Tobacco Substitutes and Herbal Smoking Products bans tobacco product display and visibility and regulates the exceptions regarding sellers of pipe tobacco and cigars and vending machines.
Order No. 572 on the Standardization of Packaging of Tobacco and Herbal Smoking Products
COMMENTS: Order No. 572 of 2021 on the Standardization of Packaging of Tobacco and Herbal Smoking Products regulates plain packaging, which is required as of April 2022.
Order No. 481 on the Quality, Labeling, and Age Verification System etc. of Electronic Cigarettes and Refill Containers etc.
COMMENTS: Order No. 481 on the Quality, Labeling, and Age Verification System etc. of Electronic Cigarettes and Refill Containers etc. regulates the quality, composition, and labeling of electronic cigarettes and refill containers. It also requires retailers to provide detailed information on age verification systems.
Order No. 699 on the Standardization of Electronic Cigarettes and Refill Containers With and Without Nicotine
COMMENTS: Order No. 699 on the Standardization of Electronic Cigarettes and Refill Containers With and Without Nicotine extends the applicability of plain packaging provisions to e-cigarettes and refill containers with and without nicotine.
Act No. 1633 on Electronic Cigarettes, etc.
COMMENTS: Act No. 1633 on Electronic Cigarettes, etc., among other things, regulates the public use, advertising, sales age, cross-border distance selling, quality, and composition of electronic cigarettes and refill containers.