
Law No. 48-00 Prohibiting Smoking in Enclosed Places

Secretary of State Education Resolution Prohibiting Smoking in Educational Facilities

Law No. 557-05 on Tax Reform

08 Dec, 2005

Law No. 495-06 on Tax Correction

28 Dec, 2006

Law No. 175-07 on Fee Reductions

17 Jul, 2007

Law No. 11-92 Tax Code

Dec, 2007

Resolution No. 18/2015 Declaring All Public and Private Health Facilities as Smoke-Free Places

28 May, 2015

Resolution No. 3/2017 Regulating the Use of Hookah or Waterpipe

10 Apr, 2017

Resolution No. 66/2021 Updating Resolution No. 18/2015

16 Dec, 2021

To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of September 17, 2019 unless otherwise noted.