Last updated: December 22, 2021

Enforcement Authorities

Authorized Agency
Duty to Enforce

Public health inspectors; health engineers; inspectors of health and social action; designated staff under the regional health agency (Ministry of Health)

Places where smoking is prohibited
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Article L3515-1 of the Code of Public Health authorizes officers mentioned in Art. L1312-1 to enforce compliance with the smoking ban. Article L1312-1 authorizes “officers and agents of the judicial police” and agents mentioned in Arts. L1421-1 and L1435-7. Article L1421-1 authorizes public health inspectors, health engineers, and inspectors of health and social action, within their respective competencies, and Art. L1435-7 authorizes “designated staff under the regional health agency.”

Authorized and deputized inspectors and controllers (Ministry of Labor)

Places where smoking is prohibited
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The law authorizes the agents mentioned in Arts. L8112-1, L8112-3, and L8112-5 of the Labor Code – inspectors and controllers authorized and deputized – to monitor the observance of the provisions of the smoking ban and to undertake to investigate and confirm infractions.

Police officers and agents (Ministry of the Interior)

Places where smoking is prohibited
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Article L3515-1 of the Code of Public Health authorizes officers mentioned in Art. L1312-1 to enforce compliance with the smoking ban. Article L1312-1 authorizes “officers and agents of the judicial police”.

Municipal police officers, rural policemen, security officers in Paris, and officers of the city of Paris

Places where smoking is prohibited (within their jurisdictions)
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The Code of Public Health authorizes municipal police officers, rural policemen, security officers in Paris as well as officers of the city of Paris to “establish through written reports infractions of Articles L. 3512-8 (the smoking ban).”