Compilation of State Smoke-Free Legislation
COMMENTS: As of the date of this review, the link provided contains information about smoke free laws at the state (Länder) level.
COMMENTS: The Provisional Tobacco Act of 1974 was replaced by the Tobacco and Retailed Products Act of April 4, 2016.
COMMENTS: The Tobacco Ordinance of December 20, 1977 (known as the “Tobacco Ordinance”) was replaced by the Tobacco and Related Products Ordinance of April 27, 2016.
Statutory Health Insurance Law of December 20, 1988 (Part V of the Social Code) (as amended)
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Food and Consumer Goods Act (as amended)
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Tobacco Product Ordinance of November 20, 2002
COMMENTS: The Tobacco Product Ordinance of November 20, 2002 was replaced by the Tobacco and Related Products Ordinance of April 27, 2016.
Protection of Young Persons Act of July 23, 2002 (as amended)
COMMENTS: The Protection of Young Persons Act of July 23, 2002, regulates numerous industries in relation to children (below the age of 14) and adolescents (between the ages of 14 – 18). With respect to tobacco control, the law prohibits the sale of tobacco and related products (including e-cigarettes) to children and adolescents and prohibits smoking and consumption by children and adolescents in restaurants, stores, and other public places. The law also regulates the sale of tobacco and related products through vending machines. The version uploaded here includes amendments through April 9, 2021.
COMMENTS: The Ordinance on Workplaces of 12 August 2004 regulates smoking in the workplace. It was last amended by Article 9 of the Ordinance of December 18, 2008.
Tobacco Excise Tax Act of 1992
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
COMMENTS: The Law to Protect Against the Dangers of Passive Smoking (also known as the “Federal Non-Smoker’s Protection Act”) of July 20, 2007 regulates smoking in federal facilities, public transport, and public train stations.
Federal Government's Answer on the Health and Legal Assessment of E-cigarettes (17/8772)
COMMENTS: The Federal Government's Answer on the Health and Legal Assessment of E-cigarettes (17/8772) is the Federal Government's response to inquiries about the health impact and regulation of e-cigarettes, including those surrounding the product's use in public places.
Tobacco and Related Products Act of April 4, 2016 (as amended)
COMMENTS: The Tobacco and Related Products Act (as amended) regulates advertising, promotion and sponsorship and product contents, and includes penal and enforcement and monitoring provisions. The Act also authorizes the issuance of ordinances to implement provisions on packaging and labeling and tobacco product contents, among other things. The version uploaded here was most recently amended on July 19, 2023.
Tobacco and Related Products Ordinance of April 27, 2016 (as amended)
COMMENTS: The Tobacco and Related Products Ordinance (as amended) was issued under the Tobacco and Related Products Act and specifies prescribed health warning messages, prohibited additives, and disclosure and notification requirements, among other things. The version uploaded here was most recently amended on July 24, 2023.