Last updated: December 15, 2020

Warnings/Messages Content

Does the content of the warnings/messages address:
Health impacts
Advice on cessation (e.g., the benefits of cessation or steps to take to stop smoking)
Addictive nature of tobacco
Adverse economic and social outcomes
Impact of tobacco use on friends and family
Quitline phone number and/or website
Description of current required warnings/messages:

Text of Combined Health Warnings for Smoked Tobacco Products:
(1) Caitheamh tobac is cúis le naoi gcinn as gach deich n-ailse scamhóg; Smoking causes 9 out of 10 lung cancers.
(2) Caitheamh tobac is cúis le hailse bhéil agus scornaí; Smoking causes mouth and throat cancer.
(3) Déanann caitheamh tobac dochar do do scamhóga; Smoking damages your lungs.
(4) Caitheamh tobac is cúis le taomanna croí; Smoking causes heart attacks.
(5) Caitheamh tobac is cúis le strócanna agus le míchumas; Smoking causes strokes and disability.
(6) Nuair a chaitear tobac, tachtar na hartairí; Smoking clogs your arteries.
(7) Méadaíonn caitheamh tobac an riosca go dtiocfaidh daille ort; Smoking increases the risk of blindness.
(8) Déanann caitheamh tobac dochar do do chuid fiacla agus do do dhrandail; Smoking damages your teeth and gums.
(9) Féadann caitheamh tobac do leanbh sa bhroinn a mharu; Smoking can kill your unborn child.
(10) Déanann do dheatach tobac díobháil do do leanaí, do do theaghlach agus do do chairde; Your smoke harms your children, family and friends.
(11) Is é is dóichí gur caiteoirí tobac a bheidh i leanaí de chuid caiteoirí tobac ná leanaí eile; Smokers’ children are more likely to start smoking.
(12) Scoir de chaitheamh tobac — coinnigh beo do do mhuintir; Quit smoking — stay alive for those close to you.
(13) Laghdaíonn caitheamh tobac torthúlacht; Smoking reduces fertility.
(14) Méadaíonn caitheamh tobac an riosca go dtiocfaidh éagumas ort; Smoking increases the risk of impotence.

General Warning for Smoked Tobacco Products (lateral side):
Toradh caithimh tobac — bás; Smoking Kills.

Information Message for Smoked Tobacco Products (lateral side):
Cuimsíonn deatach tobac breis agus 70 substaint arb eol dúinn gur cúiseanna ailse iad; Tobacco smoke contains over 70 substances known to cause cancer.

Health Warning for Smokeless Tobacco Products:
Déanann an táirge tobac seo dochar do do shláinte agus is táirge andúile é; This tobacco product damages your health and is addictive.