
Law No. 508-II of 2003 on Advertising (as amended)

COMMENTS: Law No. 508-II on Advertising (as amended) regulates advertising generally, including banning most forms of advertising and promotion of tobacco and nicotine products. 

The uploaded files include amendments through January 11, 2021. The English translation includes relevant excerpts only. The hyperlink provided refers to the most recent version of the law.

Resolution No. 1260 Approving the "Healthy Lifestyle" Program for 2008-2016

COMMENTS: In the English Translation, relevant portions of the document have been translated to English (and are highlighted in yellow). The remainder of the document is in Russian.

Law No. 193-IV: Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the People's Health and the Healthcare System

COMMENTS: Law No. 193-IV on the People's Health and the Healthcare System was repealed by Act No. 360-VI.

Resolution No. 1366 on Approval of Regulations on the Placement of Tobacco Products, Packaging Information on Constituents, Health Warnings

COMMENTS: Resolution No. 1366 on Approval of the Regulations on the Placement on a Pack of Tobacco Products, Tobacco Product Packaging of Information on the Composition, on the Content Level of Tars, Nicotine and Systemic Poisons, Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Substances and Warnings about the Danger of Smoking contain the current required informational and health warnings for tobacco products.

Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses

COMMENTS: The Code on Administrative Offenses provides for penalties for violations of tobacco control laws, including smoke-free and packaging and labeling. The uploaded file contains amendments through March 20, 2021.

Eurasian Economic Commission Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products

COMMENTS: "Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products" 12 November 2014, No. 107 are issued by the European Economic Commission Council and regulate, among other things, smoked tobacco product packaging and labeling. They require parties to place pictorial health warnings on 50% of the front and back of tobacco packages, and a statement on constituents and emissions on 17% of the side of the package. The Technical Regulations do not need to be adopted through implementing legislation,and the final date for compliance with most of the provisions was November 15, 2017. The regulations apply to all members of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Eurasian Economic Commission Board Decision No. 53 On Transitional Provisions of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products” (TR TS 035/2014)

COMMENTS: Decision No. 53 provides transitional provisions for the implementation of the "Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products" of 12 November 2014, No. 107. The final date for implementation of most of the regulations was November 15, 2017.

Ministry of Health and Social Development Order No. 442 of June 2, 2015 on Approval of the Warnings of Tobacco Products at Points of Sale, on the Unit Packet and Package of Tobacco Products

13 Jul, 2015

COMMENTS: Ministry of Health and Social Development Order No. 442 of June 2, 2015 was repealed by Ministry of Health Order No. 163 of October 28, 2020.

Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 18 of March 17, 2016

COMMENTS: Decision No. 18 of the Eurasian Economic Commission implements paragraph 27 of the Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products and regulates the format and position of picture and text warnings, as well as the images to be used, on tobacco product packaging. The required warnings and images must appear on all tobacco product packages for retail sale by November 15, 2017.

Resolution No. 587 Introducing Changes to Order No. 260 of April 4, 2007 on Setting Minimum Retail Prices for Cigarettes

25 Sep, 2017

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Act No. 360-VI on People's Health and the Healthcare System (excerpts)

COMMENTS: Act No. 360-VI on People's Health and the Healthcare System includes provisions regulating tobacco and nicotine products, including tobacco consumption in public, advertising, promotion, and sponsorship, packaging and labeling, and sales restrictions. The uploaded files contain relevant excerpts only.

Ministry of Health Order No. 163 of October 28, 2020 on Approval of the Warning About the Dangers of Smoking for Inscription in Places Where Tobacco Products Are Sold, Including Products with Heated Tobacco, Tobacco for a Hookah, a Hookah Blend, Systems for Heating Tobacco, Electronic Consumption Systems and Liquids for Them

15 Nov, 2020

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Ministry of Health Order No. 222 of November 30, 2020 on the Approval of the Drafts of Warnings About the Harm of the Consumption of Tobacco Products and Nicotine

COMMENTS: Ministry of Health Order No. 222/2020 approves pictorial health warning labels for packages of heated tobacco products and waterpipe tobacco.

Ministry of Health Order No. 246 of December 10, 2020 on Approval of Requirements for the Equipment of Places Allocated Specifically for the Consumption of Tobacco Products, Including Products with Heated Tobacco, Tobacco Heating Systems, Electronic Consumption Systems and Liquids for Their Use

30 Dec, 2020

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Ministry of Health Order No. 277 of December 15, 2020 on Determining the Maximum Allowable Levels of Nicotine and Tar Substance Content in Smoked Tobacco Products, Including Products with Heated Tobacco, Tobacco for a Hookah, a Hookah Blend, a System for Heating Tobacco, Electronic Consumption Systems and Liquids for Their Use

COMMENTS: Ministry of Health Order No. 277/2020 establishes the maximum allowable levels of nicotine and tar in various types of smoked tobacco products and e-cigarettes.

Law No. 135-VII on Amendments and Additions to the Tax Code

01 Jan, 2023

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Law No. 74-VIII on Amendments and Additions to Various Acts on Health Issues

COMMENTS: Law No. 74-VIII on Amendments and Additions to Various Acts on Health Issues includes several amendments relating to e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products. The amendments entered into force on June 20, 2024. 

Note: The English translation contains relevant excerpts only.

To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of December 21, 2024 unless otherwise noted.