Last updated: August 20, 2020

Key Terms


Term Defined

“Ingredient” means any type of substance or element, except any part of the plant of the unprocessed natural tobacco which is used in the production of tobacco products and which is present in the final product even if it is changed using here also the letter, filter, colors and sticker.


The definition of “ingredient” is significant because the law requires manufacturers and importers of tobacco products to submit to the Ministry of Health annually a list of all ingredients and their amounts used in the manufacturing of tobacco products. The law also grants the Ministry of Health the right to prohibit, based on scientific evidence, specific ingredients in tobacco products. No such regulations, however, have been issued to date.

FCTC-Based Definition

Includes tobacco, components (e.g. paper, filter), including materials used to manufacture those components, additives, processing aids, residual substances found in tobacco (following storage and processing), and substances that migrate from the packaging material into the product (contaminants are not part of the ingredients). (FCTC Art. 9 & 10 Partial Guidelines)


Term Defined

“Nicotine” means a poisonous alkaloid which is found in tobacco and has a poisonous activity on the autonomic nervous system and other organism systems.


The definition of “nicotine” is significant because the law establishes maximum emissions levels for nicotine.


Term Defined

“Tar” means the dry residue of tobacco smoke without nicotine.


The definition of “tar” is significant because the law establishes maximum emissions levels for tar.