Law on Advertising (as amended) (excerpts)
COMMENTS: This law has been amended by Law No. 310 of 2009, removing references to tobacco and tobacco products. As a result, this law no longer governs tobacco advertising. Tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship are now governed by Law No. 121 of 2021.
Law No. 175 on Protection of Citizens Against the Harmful Effects of Tobacco
COMMENTS: This law formerly governed tobacco use and tobacco products. It was repealed by Law No. 121/2021.
Law No. 31 on Amending Code of Administrative Liability
COMMENTS: This law contains amendments to the Code of Administrative Liability. These amendments are reflected in the excerpt of the Code of Administrative Liability on this webpage.
Provisions about Intersectoral Coordinating Council for Tobacco Control Law
COMMENTS: These provisions set out the tasks, functions, rights, and organization of the work of the Intersectoral Coordinating Council on tobacco control.
Resolution No. 122 on Measures to Implement the Law on Protection of Citizens Against the Harmful Effects of Tobacco
COMMENTS: Resolution No. 122 on Measures to Implement the Law on Protection of Citizens Against the Harmful Effects of Tobacco, among other things, establishes an Intersectoral Coordinating Council on tobacco control.
Law No. 81 of 2006 on Customs Tariffs (as amended)
Note: This law was not reviewed by our staff. It is provided for informational purposes only.
Ministry of Health Order No. 425 on Packaging
Note: This Order was not reviewed by our staff. It is provided for informational purposes only.
Ministry of Health Order No. 425 Annex 1 on Warning Labels
COMMENTS: Ministry of Health Order No. 425, Annex 1, contains text and picture warnings for tobacco products, along with rules for rotation. It is no longer in force. Packaging and label of tobacco products is governed by Law No. 121 of 2021, the EEC Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products, and EEC Decision No. 18 of 2016.
Ministry of Health Order No. 425 Annex 2 on Package and Warning Designs
COMMENTS: Ministry of Health Order No. 425, Annex 2, set out rules for packaging and labeling of tobacco products. It is no longer in force. Packaging and label of tobacco products is governed by Law No. 121 of 2021, the EEC Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products, and EEC Decision No. 18 of 2016.
Law No. 310 on Amendments and Additions to the Law on Advertising
COMMENTS: Law No. 310 amends the Law on Advertising. The main effect of the amendments is to remove restrictions on tobacco advertising from the Law on Advertising because tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship were regulated at the time under Law No. 175 on Protection of Citizens Against the Harmful Effects of Tobacco (which has since been replaced by Law No. 121 of 2021 on tobacco control). The Law on Advertising no longer governs tobacco advertising.
Decree No. 719 of December 22, 2014 on the Approval of the List of Illustrated Health Warnings About the Dangers of Tobacco, Intended for Placement on Packs and Packages of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Decree No. 719 of December 22, 2014 approves a list of picture/text warnings for tobacco products. These warnings appeared on tobacco packages from July 15, 2015. As of November 15, 2017, the pictures/text contained in EEC Decision No. 18 of 2016 are in circulation.
Eurasian Economic Commission Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: EEC Decision No. 107 of 2014 adopts "Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products" 12 November 2014, No. 107 (TR TC 035/2015). The Technical Regulations are issued by the European Economic Commission Council and regulate, among other things, tobacco product packaging and labeling. The Technical Regulations do not need to be adopted through implementing legislation because they are signed by each of the member states. The final date for compliance with most of the provisions is November 15, 2017. The regulations apply to all members of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Eurasian Economic Commission Board Decision No. 53 On Transitional Provisions of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products” (TR TS 035/2014)
COMMENTS: Decision No. 53 provides transitional provisions for the implementation of the "Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products" of 12 November 2014, No. 107. The final date for implementation of most of the regulations is November 15, 2017.
Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 18 of March 17, 2016
COMMENTS: Decision No. 18 of the Eurasian Economic Commission implements paragraph 27 of the Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products and regulates the format and position of picture and text warnings, as well as the images to be used, on tobacco product packaging. The required warnings and images must appear on all tobacco product packages for retail sale by November 15, 2017.
Law No. 121 on the Protection of Health of the Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic from the Effects of Tobacco and Nicotine Consumption and from Exposure to Ambient Tobacco Smoke and Aerosol
COMMENTS: Law No. 121 on the Protection of Health of the Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic from the Effects of Tobacco and Nicotine Consumption and from Exposure to Ambient Tobacco Smoke and Aerosol is the primary piece of tobacco control legislation. It governs, among other things, smoking in public places; advertising, promotion and sponsorship; packaging and labeling of naswar (a smokeless tobacco product); sales restrictions; and restrictions on e-cigarettes. It also adopts the rules established by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "Technical Regulations on Tobacco Products" (TR CU 035/2014). This law repeals Law No. 175 of 2006 "On the protection of the health of the citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic from the harmful effects of tobacco" and amendments to Law No. 175 of 2006 (including Law No. 316 of 2009 and Article 2 of Law No. 111 of 2017).
Code on Offenses (as amended) (excerpts)
COMMENTS: The Code on Offenses includes penalties for violations of tobacco control laws. The uploaded version contains relevant excerpts only.
Ministry of Health Order No. 57
COMMENTS: Ministry of Health Order No. 57 approves the requirements for no smoking signs and the procedure for their placement.
Law No. 61 on Introducing Amendments to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on the Protection of Health of the Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic from the Effects of Tobacco and Nicotine Consumption and from Exposure to Ambient Tobacco Smoke and Aerosol and the Code of the Kyrgyz Republic on Offenses
COMMENTS: Law No. 61 amends the Law on the Protection of Health of the Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic from the Effects of Tobacco and Nicotine Consumption and from Exposure to Ambient Tobacco Smoke and Aerosol is the primary piece of tobacco control legislation. Law No. 61 allows the designation of smoking areas in certain public places. This law has not yet been reviewed by our legal staff. An updated review is forthcoming.
Law No. 186 on Introducing Amendments to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on the Protection of Health of the Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic from the Effects of Tobacco and Nicotine Consumption and from Exposure to Ambient Tobacco Smoke and Aerosol, the Code of the Kyrgyz Republic on Offenses, the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, and the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Kyrgyz Republic
COMMENT: This Law was not reviewed by our staff. It is provided for informational purposes only. An updated analysis is forthcoming.