Last updated: March 22, 2024
Key Terms
“Substitute tobacco product” means any product or processed product, other than a tobacco product, that is capable of being smoked, whether with or without smoking substance.
The definition of “substitute tobacco product” is significant because it covers e-cigarettes.
For the purpose of this review, we will be using the term “e-cigarette” when referring to a “substitute tobacco product.”
Smoking substance
“Smoking substance” means any substance or any combination of substances, used for smoking, including nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerol and triethylene glycol.
The definition of “smoking substance” is significant because it includes nicotine and other substances that are used in refill cartridges for e-cigarettes.
“Smoking” means inhaling and expelling the smoke or vapour, of any tobacco product or substitute tobacco product, and includes the holding of or control over any tobacco product or substitute tobacco product which is ignited, heated or vaporized or used in any other methods.
The definition of “smoking” is important because it includes the use of e-cigarettes. Therefore, restrictions on smoking apply to the use of e-cigarettes.
Specialized store
“Specialized store” is a “fixed place of business or premise that is licensed by the authority solely to sell tobacco product, smoking substance or substitute tobacco product.”
The definition of “specialized store” is significant because it is an exemption to the point of sale product display prohibition.