Chapter on Regulations on Trade of Imported Goods (excerpts)
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Regulation Banning the Advertisement of Tobacco in the Maldives, 1998
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Circular No. 23-C3 on Health Warnings
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
COMMENTS: The Tobacco Control Act (Act No. 15/2010) is the primary tobacco control legislation and regulates smoke free places; tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and tobacco packaging and labeling.
COMMENTS: The Regulation for Designating Tobacco Consumption Prohibited Places was issued under Tobacco Control Act (Act No. 15/2010), and the regulation prohibits smoking in all public transport, most indoor public places and indoor work places, and some outdoor places.
Regulation 2019/R158 on the Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Regulation 2019/R158 on the Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products was issued under the Tobacco Control Act (Act No. 15/2010) and implements the packaging and labeling provisions of the Tobacco Control Act. The regulations provide the requirements for the content, form, placement, and rotation of health warnings on tobacco product packaging.
Design and Layout Requirements for Health Warnings under Regulation 2019/R158
COMMENTS: The Design and Layout Requirements for Health Warnings under Regulation 2019/R158 were issued under Regulation 2019/R158 on the Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products. The regulations provide additional details about the design and layout requirements for health warnings on tobacco product packaging.
Regulation 2019/R1028, Amendment No. 1 of Regulation 2019/R158 on the Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Regulation 2019/R1028 contains Amendment No. 1 of Regulation 2019/R158 on the Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products. It clarifies the supply deadline and effective date of the health warning requirements.
Regulation 2019/R1046, Amendment No. 2 of Regulation 2019/R158 on the Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Regulation 2019/R1046 contains Amendment No. 2 of Regulation 2019/R158 on the Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products. It clarifies health warning requirements in "exceptional circumstances," i.e., duty-free products, warehouses for export, and duty-exempt products for travelers.