Ministry of Trade, Transport & Tourism Order No. 042 Regulating Tobacco Products Advertising
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Order No. 004 on Warnings Labels on Tobacco Products
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
COMMENTS: Law No. 2006-12 Concerning Tobacco Control is the primary piece of legislation governing tobacco control in Niger. It regulates smoke free places; tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and packaging and labeling of tobacco products, among other things.
Resolution No. 0004 on the Creation of the Parliamentarian Tobacco Control Network
COMMENTS: Resolution No. 0004 on the Creation of the Parliamentarian Tobacco Control Network a network of Members of Parliament to oversee and help to facilitate implementation and application of the tobacco control law.
Deliberation No. 003 Concerning the Creation of the Network of Members of Parliament for Tobacco Control
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Decree No. 2008-223 Establishing the Modes of Enforcement of No. 2006-12 Relative to Tobacco Control
COMMENTS: Decree No. 2008-223/PRN/MSP establishes the modes of enforcement under Law No. 2006-12 and provides additional information on requirements under the law.
Ministry of Public Health Order No. 261 Regulating the Content, Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Administrative Order No. 261 MSP/DHP/ES regulates the packaging and labeling of tobacco products, including graphic health warnings. More recent requirements are contained in Joint Administrative Order No. 442.
Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Commerce Order No. 260 Concerning the Opening and Operation of Points of Sale of Tobacco
COMMENTS: Administrative Order No. 260 MSP/NC/PSP establishes the requirements that must be met in order to open and operate retail outlets selling tobacco products.
Joint Administrative Order No. 441 Concerning the Opening and Operation of Points of Sale for Tobacco Products in Niger
COMMENTS: Joint Administrative Order No. 441 regulates the licensing and operation of tobacco products points of sale.
Joint Administrative Order No. 442 Regulating the Composition, Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products in Niger
COMMENTS: Joint Administrative Order No. 442 regulates packaging and labeling of tobacco products, including providing for the content of health warnings required on packaging of cigarettes and cigars.
Ministry of Trade and Private Sector Promotion Order No. 082 of October 9, 2017 Prohibiting the Import, Distribution and Sale of Tobacco Products Containing Flavors
COMMENTS: Ministry of Trade and Private Sector Promotion Order No. 082 prohibits the importation, distribution, and sale of flavored tobacco products.
Ministry of Trade and Private Sector Promotion Order No. 081 of October 9, 2017 Prohibiting the Import, Distribution and Sale of Shisha or Hookah
COMMENTS: Ministry of Trade and Private Sector Promotion Order No. 081 prohibits the importation, distribution, and sale of waterpipe tobacco.
Technical Requirements Relating to Administrative Order No. 442/MSP/DGSP/DHP/ES
COMMENTS: The Ministry of Public Health issued these Technical Requirements under Art. 6 of Administrative Order No. 442, providing the health warnings to be used on tobacco product packaging. The file contains eight warnings to be used in sets of two, with each set being displayed for two years.