RPPL No. 3-62, Act on Smoke-Free Government Buildings
11 Nov, 1991
RPPL No. 8-27, An Act to adopt measures consistent with the objective of the World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), to which the Republic is a party, to protect present and future generations against the devastating health, social, environmental and economic consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke; to amend, repeal and replace sections of Chapter 10 of Title ll of the Palau National Code and for other related purposes
19 Aug, 2011
Declaration No. 12-001, Office of the Council of Chiefs
12 Mar, 2012
Tobacco Control Regulations
28 Jun, 2012
RPPL No. 9-6, An Act to amend and repeal sections of Chapter 10 of Title 11 of the Palau National Code, as amended by RPPL No. 8-27; to amend the new chapter in Title 11 of the Palau National Code that was created by RPPL No. 8-27 to be entitled the "§Tobacco Control Act"; and, for other related purposes
06 Jun, 2013
RPPL No. 9-15, Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Act
10 Sep, 2013
RPPL No. 9-57, Allocation of Tobacco and Alcohol Increase
17 Feb, 2016
RPPL No. 11-27, An Act to Amend Chapter 17, Title 11 of the Palau National Code to prohibit the importation, distribution, selling, possession, and use of electronic cigarettes within the Republic of Palau, and for other related purposes
29 Mar, 2023
To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of April 7, 2023 unless otherwise noted.