
Law No. 22/82 on Prevention of Use

17 Aug, 1982

Comprehensive Tobacco Control Law No. 226/83

27 May, 1983

Law No. 566/99 on Excise Code

22 Dec, 1999

Law No. 37/2007 (as amended to August 26, 2015)

Law No. 109/2015 of August 26, 2015, Amending Law No. 37/2007 of August 4, 2007 and Transposing Directive 2014/40/EU

26 Aug, 2015

Decree No. 6/2016

Ordinance No. 135/2016

12 May, 2016

Ordinance No. 148-A/2016

19 May, 2016

Ordinance No. 168/2017

22 May, 2017

Law No. 63/2017, Amending Law No. 37/2007

Note: the uploaded files include an updated consolidation of Law No. 37/2007.

To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of September 17, 2019 unless otherwise noted.