
Commissioner Approval No. 46 on the Formation of the National Committee on Tobacco Control

19 Feb, 2007

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) Technical Regulation 597/2009 on Cigarettes

24 May, 2009

COMMENTS: GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) Technical Regulation 597/2009 contains standardization provisions for cigarettes, including emissions limits of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide.

GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) 246/2011 on Labeling of Tobacco Product Packages

COMMENTS: GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) 246/2011 on Labeling of Tobacco Product Packages provides standards for the Gulf region on packaging and labeling of tobacco products. The Executive Regulations of the Anti-Smoking Law require that all tobacco packages meet this standard. These requirements, however, have been replaced by those in Saudi Food & Drug Authority Standard on Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products (SFDA.FD 60:2018).

GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) Approved Health Warnings Under Technical Regulation 246/2011

COMMENTS: GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) Approved Health Warnings contain the images and text of the four cigarette warnings authorized by GSO Technical Regulation 246/2011. It also contains two health warnings for shisha. The requirements in GSO 246/2011 have been replaced, however, by Saudi Food & Drug Authority Standard on Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products (SFDA.FD 60:2018).

Notification to Saudi Customs on the Adoption of GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) 246/2011 on Labeling of Tobacco Product Packages

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Circular to Municipalities on Controls on Marketing and Promotion of Tobacco Products

COMMENTS: The Circular to Municipalities on Controls on Marketing and Promotion of Tobacco Products was issued in order to explicitly prohibit tobacco advertising at the point of sale.

GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) Technical Regulation 2390/2014 on Permissible and Impermissible Tobacco Additives

COMMENTS: GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) Technical Regulation 2390/2014 contains a list of additives that are permitted and a list of additives that are prohibited in tobacco products.

Royal Decree No. 56, Anti-Smoking Law

COMMENTS: Royal Decree No. 56, Anti-Smoking Law is the principal law governing tobacco control in Saudi Arabia. The Act is comprehensive and provides for restrictions on smoking in public places; restrictions on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and health warnings on packaging and labeling.

Saudi Food & Drug Authority Circular on Compliance with the Plain Packaging Regulation of Tobacco Products

COMMENTS: The Saudi Food & Drug Authority Circular on Compliance with the Plain Packaging Regulation of Tobacco Products establishes the effective dates of SFDA.FD 60:2018, which requires the plain packaging of tobacco products.

Decision of the Minister of Health No. 1853515 on Approval of the Amendment of the Executive Regulation of Tobacco Control Law

COMMENTS: The Executive Regulations were issued in 2017 under the Anti-Smoking Law and contain detailed requirements governing smoke free places; advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and packaging and labeling. The Executive Regulations were reviewed and amended by Decision of the Minister of Health No. 1853515.

Saudi Food & Drug Authority Announcement No. 42504 on Complying with Combined Health Warnings Approved for Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products

COMMENTS: Saudi Food & Drug Authority Announcement No. 42504 informs importers about the need to comply with the pictorial health warnings approved by the National Committee for Tobacco Control. The warnings are included as an annex to the announcement.

Saudi Food & Drug Authority Circular No. 50970, Policy Vis a Vis Tobacco Industry

05 Mar, 2019

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Saudi Food & Drug Authority Controls and Requirements for Electronic Smoking Devices

COMMENTS: The Saudi Food & Drug Authority Controls and Requirements for Electronic Smoking Devices contain standards for the safety of e-cigarettes, establish packaging and labeling requirements, prohibit certain ingredients and flavors, and set a nicotine concentration limit, among other measures.

Saudi Food & Drug Authority Standard on Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products (SFDA.FD 60:2018)

COMMENTS: The Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA) issued the Standard on Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products to regulate tobacco product packaging and labeling, including requiring the plain packaging of cigarettes, cigars, hand rolling tobacco, and tobacco molasses (waterpipe tobacco). Plain packaging was required at the manufacturer level beginning August 23, 2019. Products imported prior to that date were permitted to be distributed until January 1, 2020.

Saudi Food & Drug Authority Conditions and Requirements for Tobacco Products

13 Jan, 2020

COMMENTS: The Saudi Food & Drug Authority Conditions and Requirements for Tobacco Products establish the rules related to the import of tobacco products, including prohibiting the import of non-smoked tobacco products.

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) Technical Regulations for Electronic Smoking Devices

COMMENTS: Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) Technical Regulations for Electronic Smoking Devices include product standards for e-cigarettes. The regulations also apply to heated tobacco products. 

Saudi Food & Drug Authority Technical Regulation on Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (SFDA.FD 5005:2020)

11 Jul, 2020

COMMENTS: Saudi Food & Drug Authority Technical Regulation on Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (SFDA.FD 5005:2020) establishes requirements for e-liquids and heated tobacco products used in "electronic nicotine delivery systems." Provisions include restrictions on ingredients, flavors, nicotine concentrations, and required health warnings. 

To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of August 28, 2024 unless otherwise noted.