
Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act (as amended)

COMMENTS: The Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act is the primary tobacco control law in Taiwan (China) and governs, among other things, restrictions on smoking in public; tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and tobacco packaging and labeling.

The uploaded files contain amendments through February 15, 2023. The link to the "Official Website" directs to a consolidated version of the law (in Chinese).

Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act (as amended)

19 Apr, 2000

COMMENTS: The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act contains requirements for tobacco and alcohol businesses. The act was most recently amended on December 27, 2017.

Regulations of the Tobacco Health and Welfare Surcharge Distribution and Utilization (as amended)

11 Oct, 2007

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Regulations for Establishment of Indoor Smoking Rooms

COMMENTS: The Regulations for Establishment of Indoor Smoking Rooms are issued under the Tobacco Hazard Prevention Act. The regulations establish size, design and ventilation requirements for smoking rooms.

Regulations for the Testing of Yields of Nicotine and Tar Contained in Tobacco Products and the Labeling of Cigarette Containers (as amended)

11 Jan, 2009

COMMENTS: The Regulations for the Testing of Yields of Nicotine and Tar Contained in Tobacco Products and the Labeling of Cigarette Containers are issued under the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act and implement, among other things, packaging and labeling requirements. The document uploaded here includes the attachment to the Regulations, which sets forth the authorized pictorial and text warnings.

The Regulations were most recently amended on June 14, 2019, with a new set of health warnings to appear on packaging as of July 1, 2020.

Appendix to Regulations for Establishment of Indoor Smoking Rooms

11 Jan, 2009

COMMENTS: The Appendix to Regulations for Establishment of Indoor Smoking Rooms is an inspection form for use by authorized enforcement officers.

Regulations Governing Reporting of Tobacco Product Information (as amended)

COMMENTS: The Regulations Governing Reporting of Tobacco Product Information are issued under the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act and set forth reporting requirements for tobacco product ingredients, additives, constituents and emissions. The regulations were amended on August 8, 2012.

Regulations for the Administration of the Display and the Labeling of Tobacco Products at Tobacco-Selling Premises

COMMENTS: The Regulations for the Administration of the Display and the Labeling of Tobacco Products at Tobacco-Selling Premises are issued under the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act and regulate the size and location of tobacco product displays and required health warnings on displays.

Aircraft Flight Operations Regulations

18 Jul, 2011

COMMENTS: The Aircraft Flight Operations Regulations, as they relate to tobacco control, specify that passengers must be notified when and where smoking is prohibited.

To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of February 11, 2024 unless otherwise noted.