Tobacco Products Control Act, B.E. 2535 (1992)
COMMENTS: The Tobacco Products Control Act, B.E. 2535 (1992) was repealed and rescinded by the Tobacco Products Control Act of 2017. Prior to that, the Tobacco Products Control Act of 1992 was the primary law governing packaging and labeling of tobacco products and tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. Regulations issued under the 1992 law remain in effect until replaced by regulations are issued under the 2017 law.
Non-Smokers Health Protection Act, B.E. 2535 (1992)
COMMENTS: The Non-Smokers Health Protection Act, B.E. 2535 (1992) was repealed and rescinded by the Tobacco Products Control Act of 2017. Prior to that, the Non-Smokers Health Protection Act was the primary law governing restrictions on smoking in public places, workplaces, and public transport. Regulations issued under the 1992 law remain in effect until replaced by regulations are issued under the 2017 law.
Ministry of Finance Letter to Permanent Secretary of Public Health Repealing the Permission to Import Chewing Tobacco
COMMENTS: This letter from the Ministry of Finance notifies the Ministry of Public Health that it is no longer permitted to import, sell, or produce chewing tobacco.
Ministry of Public Health Announcement (No. 8) B.E. 2547 (2004) on Rules, Procedures and Conditions of Cigarette Labelling and Label Content According to the Tobacco Products Control Act B.E. 2535
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Ministry of Public Health, Directive Procedures for Distribution of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Ministry of Public Health, Directive Procedures for Distribution of Tobacco Products prohibits the display of tobacco products at point of sale, except at duty-free shops for persons leaving Thailand.
Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No. 13) 2550 (2007) Re: Criteria, Procedures and Conditions for Displaying Pictorial Labels and Statements of Warning on Harm of Cigars Issued under the Tobacco Products Control Act B.E. 2535 (1992)
COMMENTS: Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No. 13) 2550 specifies the size, content, format, placement, and rotation of health warnings for cigars.
Notification of the Ministry of Public Health B.E. 2550 (2007) Re: Criteria, Procedures and Conditions for Displaying Pictorial Labels and Statements of Warning on Harm of Tobacco Issued under the Tobacco Products Control Act B.E. 2535 (1992)
COMMENTS: Notification of the Ministry of Public Health B.E. 2550 specifies the size, content, format, placement, and rotation of health warnings for loose, shredded, or rolling tobacco. This notification has since been repealed by Ministry of Public Health Notification No. 17 (2012).
Ministry of Public Health Notice of Rules, Procedures, and Conditions for the Display and Content of Cigarette Labels, 2009
COMMENTS: This law has been superseded by the Ministry of Public Health Notice that came into effect on September 23, 2014. We are providing the law here for informational purposes only.
Ministry of Public Health Notice (No. 19) of 2010: Designation of Names and Types of Public Places that Shall Protect the Health of Non-Smokers and Designating All or Part of Such Public Places as Smoking Areas or Tobacco-Free Areas, Under the Non-Smokers' Health Protection Act of 1992
COMMENTS: Ministry of Public Health Notice (No. 19) of 2010 prohibits smoking in all indoor public places, indoor work places, public transport (with the sole exception of international airports), and some outdoor places.
Regulation of Department of Disease Control Regarding How to Contact Tobacco Entrepreneurs and Related Persons B.E. 2553 (2010)
COMMENTS: The Regulation of Department of Disease Control Regarding How to Contact Tobacco Entrepreneurs and Related Persons establishes requirements around interactions between government officials and the tobacco industry, in fulfillment of WHO FCTC Art. 5.3.
Ministry of Public Health Notice (No. 15, 2011) of Rules, Procedures, and Conditions for the Display of Words or Statements that Might Cause Misunderstanding or Encourage Consumption on the Labels of Cigarettes, Cigars, Loose Tobacco, or Flavored Loose Tobacco Governed by the Tobacco Products Control Act of 1992
COMMENTS: The Ministry of Public Health Notice (No. 15, 2011) prohibits the use of words and statements on tobacco product packaging that may be misleading. Specifically, the Notice prohibits words or statements that might cause consumers to believe that certain tobacco products are less dangerous than others. In addition, words or statements that may encourage consumption are prohibited. This Notice expands upon the words and statements that were prohibited under the previous notice passed in 2006.
Ministry of Public Health Notice (No. 16, 2011) of Rules, Procedures, and Conditions for the Display of Statements Concerning Toxins and Carcinogens on Cigarette Labels
COMMENTS: The Ministry of Public Health Notice (No. 16, 2011) updates the statements on toxins and carcinogens to be displayed on tobacco product packaging. The Notice introduces ten new statements to be printed on side panels of cigarette unit and outside packaging. It also requires the text to cover at least 60% of each side panel. However, this Notice has since been repealed by Ministry of Public Health Notification No. 18 (2015).
Ministry of Public Health Notification (No. 17) B.E. 2555 (2012) on Criteria, Procedures and Conditions for Displaying Pictures, Statements Relating to Warning on Harm and Contact Channels to Quit Tobacco on Labels of Shredded and Blended Shredded Tobacco
COMMENTS: Ministry of Public Health Notification No. 17 (2012) specifies the requirements of the four graphic health warnings to appear on packages of shredded and blended shredded tobacco. Shredded tobacco is typically used for hand-rolled cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products. This notification repeals the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health dated May 30, 2007.
Ministry of Public Health Notice of Rules, Procedures, and Conditions for the Display of Images, Warning Statements, and Contact Channels for Smoking Cessation on Cigarette Labels, 2013
COMMENTS: The Ministry of Public Health Notice of Rules, Procedures, and Conditions for the Display of Images, Warning Statements, and Contact Channels for Smoking Cessation on Cigarette Labels, 2013 establishes new graphic health warnings and other packaging and labeling requirements, including warning labels that cover 85% of the two principal display areas. This Notice was set to take effect 180 days following the publication of the Notice in the Government Gazette – October 2, 2013, but litigation brought by the tobacco industry delayed the effective date of the legislation until September 23, 2014.
Notification of the Ministry of Commerce on Prohibition of Importing Hookah, Electronic Hookah, or Electronic Cigarettes into Thailand
COMMENTS: The Notification of the Ministry of Commerce prohibits the import of hookah, electronic hookah, and e-cigarettes into Thailand.
Consumer Protection Board Order No. 9/2015 on Prohibition of Sales and Service of Hookahs, Electronic Hookahs, and Electronic Cigarettes, Smoking Materials for Hookahs, and Liquids for Filling Electronic Hookahs and Electronic Cigarettes
COMMENTS: Consumer Protection Board Order No. 9/2015 prohibits the sale of hookahs, electronic hookahs, and e-cigarettes, as well as materials for filling these products (include e-cigarette liquids).
Ministry of Public Health Notification (No. 18) B.E. 2558 (2015) on Criteria, Procedures and Conditions for Displaying Statements About Dangers and Hazards of Consuming Tobacco Products on Cigarette Labels
COMMENTS: Ministry of Public Health Notification No. 18 (2015) prescribes ten statements required to appear on 60% of the side panels of cigarette packaging. These statements replace those previously issued under Notification of the Ministry of Public Health No. 16 (2011).
COMMENTS: The Tobacco Products Control Act of 2017 is the primary law governing tobacco control in Thailand. It replaced both the Non-Smokers Health Protection Act of 1992 and the Tobacco Products Control Act of 1992. Regulations issued under the 1992 laws will remain in effect until new regulations are issued under this act.
COMMENTS: The Ministerial Regulation on Tobacco Sales Licensing establishes the conditions around licenses to sell tobacco products.
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Ministry of Public Health Notification Re: Identification of Types or Names of Public Places, Work Places and Vehicles, Entirely or in Part, as Non-Smoking Areas or Smoking Areas in Non-Smoking Areas B.E. 2561 (2018)
COMMENTS: Ministry of Public Health Notification Re: Identification of Types or Names of Public Places, Work Places and Vehicles, Entirely or in Part, as Non-Smoking Areas or Smoking Areas in Non-Smoking Areas B.E. 2561 identifies different categories of smoke free places. Some areas are identified as smoke free in their entirety (both indoor and outdoor areas), while others may have smoking areas outside the buildings.
Ministry of Public Health Notification of Criteria, Methods and Conditions of Tobacco Product and Cigarette Packaging B.E. 2561 (2018)
COMMENTS: Ministry of Public Health Notification of Criteria, Methods and Conditions of Tobacco Product and Cigarette Packaging B.E. 2561 (2018) was replaced by the Ministry of Public Health Notification of 2021.
Ministry of Public Health Notification of Criteria, Methods and Conditions of Tobacco or Flavored Tobacco Products Packaging B.E. 2562 (2019)
Note: This law has not yet been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Ministry of Public Health Notification of Criteria, Methods and Conditions of Tobacco Product and Cigarette Packaging B.E. 2564 (2021)
COMMENTS: Ministry of Public Health Notification of Criteria, Methods and Conditions of Tobacco Product and Cigarette Packaging B.E. 2564 (2021) replaces the Ministry of Public Health Notification of 2018. This notification includes a new set of health warning and messages required to appear on packs and requirements for plain packaging.
Committee on Safety of Products and Services Decree No. 24/2024 on Ban on Manufacturing for Sale, Sale and Services of Baraku, E-Baraku, E- Cigarettes, Chemical Compounds for Baraku, E-Liquids for E-Baraku and E-Cigarettes
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only. An updated legal analysis is forthcoming.