Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Circular No. 5/2008 on the Prohibition of Smoking in the Health Facilities and the Health Premises
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Government Decree No. 3/2010 of June 16 Regulating Advertising on Radio and Television Program Services
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Decree-Law No. 51/2011 of December 21 on the Legal Regime of Advertising Activities
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
COMMENTS: Decree-Law No. 14/2016 of June 8 on the Tobacco Control Regime is the primary law governing tobacco control in Timor-Leste. It establishes smoke free places; restrictions on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and basic requirements related to packaging and labeling.
Ministerial Statutory Order No. 2/2018 on Regulations for Labeling of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Ministerial Statutory Order No. 2/2018 on Regulations for Labeling of Tobacco Products was repealed and replaced by Ministerial Statutory Order No. 10/2018 on Regulations for Labeling of Tobacco Products.
Ministerial Statutory Order No. 10/2018 on Regulations for Labeling of Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Ministerial Statutory Order No. 10/2018 on Regulations for Labeling of Tobacco Products was issued under Decree-Law No. 14/2016 and contains implementing details related to pictorial health warnings and other packaging and labeling requirements. It replaced Ministerial Statutory Order No. 2/2018 on Regulations for Labeling of Tobacco Products.