
Law No. 4207 on Prevention and Control of Hazards of Tobacco Products (as amended)

COMMENTS: Law No. 4207 on Prevention and Control of Hazards of Tobacco Products (as amended) is the primary tobacco control law in Turkey. It regulates many aspects of tobacco control, including, but not limited to: prohibitions on public smoking; advertising, promotion and sponsorship; packaging and labeling; education campaigns; and penalties for violations.

The former title of this law, prior to amendment by Law 5727 in 2009, was "The Law on Prevention of Hazards of Tobacco Products."

The uploaded versions contain amendments through November 15, 2018 (Law No. 7151). The link to the "Official Website" directs to a consolidated version of the law (in Turkish) incorporating all amendments.

Law No. 4733 on the Market of Tobacco, Tobacco Products and Alcohol (as amended)

COMMENTS: Law No. 4733 establishes the duties of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Health related to the regulation of tobacco, tobacco products, and alcohol. The law includes several penal provisions for related offenses.

The former title of the law, prior to amendment by Decree No. 696 in 2017, was "Law on the Organizational and Duties of the Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority." The Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority, commonly known as TAPDK, was the prior agency in charge of the regulation of tobacco, tobacco products, and alcohol.

The uploaded versions contain amendments through May 24, 2013 (Law No. 6487). The link to the "Official Website" directs to a consolidated version of the law (in Turkish) incorporating all amendments.

Law No. 4822 on Commercial Advertisements and Ads

06 Mar, 2003

COMMENTS: Excerpts of Law No. 4822 on Commercial Advertisements and Ads relevant to tobacco control have been translated into English. The English excerpted provisions, Articles 5 and 7, require advertising to be honest, accurate and appropriate.

Regulation on Methods and Essentials concerning the Manufacture Type, Labeling and Surveillance for the Protection from the Damages of Tobacco Products, 2005 (as amended)

COMMENTS: The Regulation on Methods and Essentials concerning the Manufacture Type, Labeling and Surveillance for the Protection from the Damages of Tobacco Products, 2005 (No. 25692) (as amended) was abrogated by the 2019 Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Related to the Production Methods, Labeling and Surveillance of Tobacco Products.

Prior to repeal, it regulated many aspects of packaging and labeling and product information including, but not limited to: constituents and emissions yields, and health warning content, size, location, and format.

Law No. 5326 on Misdemeanors (as amended)

18 May, 2008

COMMENTS: Law No. 5326 on Misdemeanors provides fines for individuals who smoke in places or areas where smoking is prohibited. The English translation of the law contains only the relevant language from Article 39, as amended on May 18, 2008.

Notification from the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Finance, and Health Regarding Procedures and Guidelines on Administrative Sanctions and Enforcement under Law No. 4207

27 May, 2008

COMMENTS: The Notification Regarding Procedures and Guidelines in Relation to the Enforcement of Decisions on Administrative Sanctions Imposed on Consumers of Tobacco Products in Public Places, Transportation, Buildings, and Facilities was issued by the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Finance, and Health. The Notification establishes the procedure that must be followed in effecting and reporting a violation of Law No. 4207, including aspects such as the form that must be filed, recording proof of consumption, and the collection of fines.

Ministry of Health Letter to Provincial Health Authorities Regarding Enforcement of the Regulations of Law No. 4207

28 May, 2008

COMMENTS: This letter (#18330) was sent by the Ministry of Health to the local health authorities in each of Turkey’s 81 provinces summarizing the regulations that must be followed in enforcing the regulations of Law No. 4207.

Ministry of Health Letter to Provincial Health Authorities Regarding Enforcement of the Provisions of Law No. 4207

06 Jun, 2008

COMMENTS: This letter (#17095) was sent by the Ministry of Health to the local health authorities in each of Turkey’s 81 provinces, drawing their attention to the recently issued Notification on procedures and guidelines to be followed in sanctioning violations of public smoking restrictions as established in Law No. 4207.

Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority’s (TAPDK) Decision No. 4201

COMMENTS: Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory AUthority (TAPDK) Decision No. 4201 was issued pursuant to Law No. 4207 as amended by Law No. 5727. It regulates the size, shape, content, and format of no-smoking signs in smoke free places, the health warnings signs that must appear in areas designated for smoking, and the signs prohibiting sales to minors at point of sale.

Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authoritys (TAPDK) Decision No. 4721

COMMENTS: Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority (TAPDK) Decision No. 4721 regulates the size, location, rotation, and format of health warnings on tobacco products.

Circular 2009/13 from the Prime Minister’s Office on the Implementation of Law No. 4207

COMMENTS: Circular 2009/13 from the Prime Minister’s Office on the Implementation of Law No. 4207 regulates how smoke-free provisions are implemented in bars, restaurants and placed in the other hospitality industry. The Circular also provides specifications for designated smoking areas, where such smoking areas are allowed by law. This Circular repeals the previous Circular 2008/6.

Regulation on Procedures and Principles Regarding the Production and Trade of Tobacco Products (as amended)

COMMENTS: The Regulation on Procedures and Principles Regarding the Production and Trade of Tobacco Products covers the conditions and procedures for the establishment and operation of tobacco manufacturing facilities. It has been amended many times, most recently in April 2021.

The English translation uploaded here does not contain the most recent amendments. The link to the "Official Website" directs to a consolidated version of the law (in Turkish) incorporating all amendments.

Ministry of Health Letter Clarifying the Definition of "Enclosed Area" with regards to Law No. 4207, Circ. 2009/13, and Letter No. 27556

COMMENTS: This Ministry of Health Letter rescinds earlier Letter No. 27556, which had defined areas with ceilings or sides that could be opened or closed automatically or manually as “outdoor.” This Letter now clarifies that such areas shall be considered “enclosed” whether the ceiling or sides are open or closed.

Ministry of Health Guidance on the Implementation of Law No. 4207 Concerning Inspections and Enforcement

COMMENTS: This Ministry of Health Guidance instructs municipal authorities on their enforcement and inspection obligations under national smoke free laws. The Guidance reminds authorities of the penal consequences for officials who fail to enforce the law.

Ministry of Health Guidance on the Implementation of Law No. 4207 Concerning Enforcement Obligations of Provincial Authorities

COMMENTS: This Ministry of Health Guidance instructs provincial authorities on their enforcement and inspection obligations under national smoke free provisions. The Guidance reminds authorities of the penal consequences for officials who fail to enforce the law.

Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Sales and Presentations of Tobacco Products and Alcoholic Beverages

COMMENTS: The Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Sales and Presentations of Tobacco Products and Alcoholic Beverages includes provisions regulating advertising and promotional practices and sales, such as internet sales, location-based sale restrictions, etc. The Regulation has been amended several times, some of which are uploaded separately below.

The link to the "Official Website" directs to a consolidated version of the law (in Turkish) incorporating all amendments.

Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority’s (TAPDK) Decision No. 6896

COMMENTS: Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority (TAPDK) Decision No. 6896 regulates certain ingredients in tobacco products.

Council Decision No. 7105 on Amending the Council Decision Concerning the Assessment of Data Included on the Ingredients Declaration and Toxicology Data Tables

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Regulations on Changes to Be Made to the Regulations Regarding the Procedures and Principles on the Sale and Presentation of Tobacco Products and Alcoholic Beverages

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Regulation on the Matters That Must Be Complied With in the Issuance of Presentation Conformity Certificates to a Location/Locations That Belong to Businesses Where Hookah Tobacco Materials Are Smoked and the Operation of These Places

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Circular 2015/1

COMMENTS: Circular 2015/1 announces the National Tobacco Control Program Plan of Action 2015-2018, as well as the formation of a National Tobacco Control Coordination Committee.

National Tobacco Control Program Plan of Action (2015-2018)

COMMENTS: This National Plan of Action is a policy document elaborating the government's tobacco control plan between 2015 and 2018. This is a non-binding declaration of policy.

Council Decision No. 9010 on Amending the Council Decision Concerning the Assessment of Data Included on the Ingredients Declaration and Toxicology Data Tables

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Decision No. 2015-8353 Adjusting Tax Rates

29 Dec, 2015

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Penal Code of Turkey

15 Feb, 2016

COMMENTS: The Penal Code of Turkey establishes criminal penalties for various offenses. Relevant to tobacco control, it includes a penalty for the sale of tobacco products to minors.

Decision No. 13016 on Technical Regulations for Cigarette Papers

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Decree No. 696 Making Some Regulations Under the Emergency Declaration of Law

24 Dec, 2017

COMMENTS: Relevant to tobacco control, Decree No. 696 dissolves the Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority (TAPDK) and transfers enforcement authority to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Health.

Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Related to the Production Methods, Labeling and Surveillance of Tobacco Products

COMMENTS: The Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Related to the Production Methods, Labeling and Surveillance of Tobacco Products was issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to implement emissions and reporting requirements, plain packaging, and updated health warnings requirements, among other measures.

Pursuant to amendments to the regulation (uploaded separately below), plain packaging is required at the manufacturer level as of December 5, 2019 and the retailer level as of January 5, 2020. Further, health warnings will be required to cover 85% of the front and 100% of the back of the package beginning December 30, 2021.

Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Related to the Production Methods, Labeling and Surveillance of Tobacco Products

COMMENTS: The Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Related to the Production Methods, Labeling and Surveillance of Tobacco Products includes amendments adjusting the implementation date of the plain packaging provisions at the manufacturer level from July 5, 2019 to December 5, 2019, in addition to amending other provisions.

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Health Warnings to Be Put on Hookah Bottles

19 Feb, 2020

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Decision No. 2149 Concerning Electronic Cigarettes and Similar Devices and Certain Tobacco Products and Products That Are Used to Imitate Tobacco Products

COMMENTS: Decision No. 2149 Concerning Electronic Cigarettes and Similar Devices and Certain Tobacco Products and Products that are used to Imitate Tobacco Products bans the import of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, and electronic devices, apparatus, spare parts and solutions to be used with e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products.

Circular No. 2020/7 Regulating Entry and Transit of Electronic Cigarettes and Similar Goods Carried by Passengers

COMMENTS: Circular 2020/7 Regulating Entry and Transit of Electronic Cigarettes and Similar Goods Carried by Passengers, provides certain exceptions to Decision No. 2149’s import ban on electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products. Circular 2020/7 allows the import of one device (already in use) per person, no more than 200 tobacco inserts for personal use, cartridges or solutions not to exceed 30 ml, or no more than 10 disposable e-cigarettes.

Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Related to the Production Methods, Labeling and Surveillance of Tobacco Products

COMMENTS: The Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Related to the Production Methods, Labeling and Surveillance of Tobacco Products amends the health warning provisions to require a combined warning covering 85% of the front and 100% of the back of the package of smoked tobacco products. There is a six-month transition period from the date of publication (June 30, 2021), meaning that all smoked tobacco products must comply as of December 30, 2021.

To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of January 25, 2022 unless otherwise noted.