Last updated: July 19, 2021

Key Terms

Tobacco Additive

Term Defined

“Tobacco additive” means any substance added to tobacco during its manufacturing and has a specific function in the final product.


The definition of “tobacco additive” is significant because the law regulates additives in tobacco products.

Sugars Fit for Human Consumption

Term Defined

“Sugars fit for human consumption” means food-grade sugars.


The definition of “sugars fit for human consumption” is significant because the law permits the addition of these additives.

Smoke Tar

Term Defined

“Smoke tar” means the total particulate matter retained by filter smoke trap, after deduction of its nicotine alkaloids and water content according to the Gulf standard mentioned in 2.4.


The definition of “smoke tar” is significant because the law establishes maximum emissions levels for tar.

Smoke Nicotine

Term Defined

“Smoke nicotine” means the nicotine alkaloids content retained by filter smoke trap when smoke passes through it according to the Gulf standard mentioned in 2.1.


The definition of “smoke nicotine” is significant because the law establishes maximum emissions levels for nicotine.

Carbon Monoxide

Term Defined

“Carbon monoxide” means the weight of carbon monoxide delivered per cigarette according to the methods given in the Gulf standard mentioned in 2.5.


The definition of “carbon monoxide” is significant because the law establishes maximum emissions levels for carbon monoxide.

Mandatory Standard Specification for the United Arab Emirates (Technical Regulation)

Term Defined

“Mandatory Standard Specification for the United Arab Emirates (Technical Regulation)” means approved standard specification for any type of tobacco product and of which application in the State is mandatory, pursuant to a Cabinet decision.


The definition of “mandatory standard specification” is significant because it refers to GSO standards with legal application within the United Arab Emirates.