Last updated: February 27, 2025
Content regulation
The law does not regulate the contents of cigarettes; therefore, there are no specified penalties.
To align with FCTC Art. 9 and the FCTC Arts. 9 & 10 Guidelines, the law should regulate the contents of cigarettes and impose sanctions for violations.
Disclosure requirement
Manufacturer, Importer
The National Technical Regulations, which require disclosure, are issued under the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms, and therefore the sanctions contained in Decree No. 176/2013/NĐ-CP on Sanctions on Administrative Violations of Public Health would apply. However, this decree does not explicitly address violations of disclosure requirements.
To align with FCTC Art. 10 and the FCTC Arts. 9 & 10 Partial Guidelines, the law should impose sanctions for disclosure violations.