Last updated: February 27, 2025
Sales Restrictions
Sale of single cigarettes/sticks
The law does not specifically prohibit the sale of single cigarette sticks; therefore, the law is interpreted as permitting the sale of single cigarette sticks.
To align with FCTC Art. 16, the law should prohibit the sale of single cigarettes as this increases the affordability of cigarettes to minors.
Sale of tobacco products via vending machines
The law prohibits vending machine sales of tobacco products.
The law aligns with FCTC Art. 13, the FCTC Art. 13 Guidelines, and FCTC Art. 16 in this respect.
Sale of tobacco products via the internet
The law does not specifically prohibit or restrict the sale of tobacco products through the internet; therefore, the law is interpreted as permitting internet tobacco product sales.
To align with FCTC Art. 13 and the FCTC Art. 13 Guidelines, the law should prohibit internet tobacco product sales as internet sales are an inherent form of tobacco advertising and promotion.
Sale of smokeless tobacco products
The law does not specifically prohibit the sale of smokeless tobacco products; therefore, the law is interpreted as permitting the sale of smokeless tobacco products.
Sale of waterpipe tobacco products
The law does not specifically prohibit the sale of waterpipe tobacco; therefore, the law is interpreted as permitting the sale of waterpipe tobacco.
Location-based Sales Restrictions
Schools/educational facilities
The Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms, Art. 25.2, prohibits the sale of tobacco within 100 meters from the boundary of children's daycare centers, kindergartens, elementary schools, secondary schools, and high schools. In addition, Art. 25.2 prohibits the sale of tobacco in places where smoking is prohibited or restricted, which includes universities, colleges, and academic institutes (Art. 11).
The Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms prohibits the sale of tobacco in places where smoking is prohibited or restricted (Art. 25.2), which includes "entertainment areas designed for children" (Art. 11). This phrase is interpreted to include playgrounds. Therefore, the sale of tobacco is prohibited in playgrounds.
The Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms prohibits the sale of tobacco in places where smoking is prohibited or restricted (Art. 25.2), which includes "public places" (Art. 11). "Public places" are defined as "places that serve commonly for the need of many people" (Art. 2.7). Because sports facilities are public places, the sale of tobacco is prohibited in sports facilities.
Healthcare facilities
The Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms prohibits the sale of tobacco in places where smoking is prohibited or restricted (Art. 25.2), which includes "health facilities" (Art. 11).
Cultural facilities
The Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms prohibits the sale of tobacco in places where smoking is prohibited or restricted (Art. 25.2), which includes "public places" (Art. 11). "Public places" are defined as "places that serve commonly for the need of many people" (Art. 2.7). Because cultural and entertainment facilities are public, the law is interpreted as prohibiting the sale of tobacco in cultural and entertainment facilities.
Areas with high risk of fire and explosion
The Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms prohibits the sale of tobacco in places where smoking is prohibited or restricted (Art. 25.2), which includes "areas with high risk of fire and explosion" (Art. 11).
The Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms prohibits the sale of tobacco in places where smoking is prohibited or restricted (Art. 25.2), which includes "workplaces" (Art. 11). Workplace is defined as "places that are used for the purpose of working" (Art. 2.8).
Public transport including: automobiles, airplanes, sky train/metro, ships and trains
The Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms prohibits the sale of tobacco in places where smoking is prohibited or restricted (Art. 25.2), which includes public transport, including "automobiles, airplanes, sky train/metro" (Art. 11) and "ships and trains" (Art. 12).
Bars, karaoke lounges, discos hotel and guesthouses
The Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms prohibits the sale of tobacco in places where smoking is prohibited or restricted (Art. 25.2), which includes "bars, karaoke lounges, discos, hotels and guesthouses" (Art. 12).
Public places (not otherwise mentioned)
The Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms prohibits the sale of tobacco in places where smoking is prohibited or restricted (Art. 25.2), which includes "public places" (Art. 11). Public place is defined as "places that serve commonly for the need of many people" (Art. 2.7). Therefore, tobacco sales are prohibited in any other public place not mentioned above.
Retail Package Size Restrictions
Minimum number of cigarette sticks per unit package
The law requires cigarette packets to have at a minimum 20 cigarette sticks.
The law aligns with FCTC Art. 16 with respect to the sale of small packets of cigarettes.
Minimum weight of smokeless tobacco per unit package
The law does not require a minimum weight per unit package of smokeless tobacco.
Retail Licensing Requirements
Specific retail license or equivalent approval required to sell tobacco products
The law requires retail traders in tobacco products to obtain a tobacco product trading license from the Ministry of Trade.
The law aligns with FCTC Art. 15 in that the law requires retailers to obtain a license or equivalent approval to sell tobacco products.