The Bylaw for the Ban of Cigarette and Tobacco Use in Governmental Buildings and Public Places
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
COMMENTS: The Tobacco Control Law 2015 contains provisions covering smoke free places; advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and packaging and labeling. Amendments to the law passed in 2018 are uploaded below.
Ministry of Public Health Notice to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Health Warning/Pictorial Labeling on Tobacco Products Including Cigarette Package
COMMENTS: The Ministry of Public Health Notice contains specific images and text to be used for warnings on tobacco products in accordance with the Tobacco Control Law, 2015. However, with the 2018 amendments to the Tobacco Control Law, the current status of this notice is uncertain.
COMMENTS: Three sections of the Tobacco Control Law 2015 were modified by this 2018 law. The amendments removed requirements related to pictorial health warnings and clarified enforcement responsibilities and penalties in light of these changes.