Last updated: November 22, 2022

Smoke Free Status of Outdoor Places

Does the law require any outdoor or quasi-outdoor spaces to be smoke free or restrict smoking in any way? Examples of such places include within a specified distance of doorways, outdoor patios of bars or restaurants, parks/beaches, outdoor stadiums, and outdoor markets.

Designated no-smoking areas


The law prohibits smoking in outdoor public or work spaces that have been designated as a no-smoking area by the person responsible for the premises.

Within 15 meters of any doorway, operable window, or intake mechanism


The law prohibits smoking in outdoor public or work spaces within 15 meters of any doorway, operable window, or air intake mechanism.

Within 15 meters of any waiting area or queue


The law prohibits smoking in outdoor public or work spaces within 15 meters of any waiting area or queue, including but not limited to public transport stops.

Childcare facilities or educational facilities


The law prohibits smoking in outdoor public or work spaces that are on the premises of any childcare facility or educational facility at any level of instruction.

Healthcare facilities


The law prohibits smoking in outdoor public or work spaces that are on the premises of any healthcare facility.



The law prohibits smoking in outdoor public or work spaces that are amusement parks, plazas, or public parks.



The law prohibits smoking in outdoor public or work spaces that are playgrounds.

Stadiums and arenas


The law prohibits smoking in outdoor public or work spaces that are stadiums, arenas, or any kind of sports, music, arts, or other performance space.

Spaces for the service or consumption of food and drink


The law prohibits smoking in outdoor public or work spaces that are spaces for the service or consumption of food or drink.

However, the law provides an exception for the owners and operators of businesses, including bars, restaurants, casinos, clubs, and tourist establishments to create outdoor smoking areas, which are: open-sided (if there is a roof, have only columns as necessary to support the roof); at least 10 meters from any structure or area where smoking is prohibited; located in a place where it is not necessary for non-smokers to access; and physically separated and structurally unconnected to areas where smoking is prohibited.

Other spaces as specified


The law authorizes further prohibitions on smoking in any other outdoor public or work space as may be specified in regulations.