Last updated: September 14, 2022
Disclosure Requirements
Disclosure by manufacturers and importers of cigarettes to government authorities of information on the contents and/or ingredients used in the manufacture of their cigarettes
Ministry of Health and Sports
Pursuant to the transitory provisions of Law No. 1280, until regulations are approved under the law, Supreme Decree No. 29376 is to remain in force so long as it is not contrary to Law No. 1280. Therefore, the disclosure requirements contained in Specific Regulation for the Administration of Law No. 3029 (issued under Supreme Decree No. 29376) remain in effect.
The law requires all tobacco companies and tobacco product importers to provide information to the Ministry of Health and Sports every year, including a list of all ingredients used in the manufacturing of imported or locally produced and sold tobacco products, indicating maximum amounts used.
The law aligns with FCTC Art. 10 and the FCTC Arts. 9 & 10 Partial Guidelines in that it requires disclosure by manufacturers and importers to government authorities of information on ingredients used in the manufacture of their cigarettes.
Disclosure by manufacturers and importers of cigarettes to government authorities of information on the emissions of their cigarettes
Ministry of Health and Sports
Pursuant to the transitory provisions of Law No. 1280, until regulations are approved under the law, Supreme Decree No. 29376 is to remain in force so long as it is not contrary to Law No. 1280. Therefore, the disclosure requirements contained in Specific Regulation for the Administration of Law No. 3029 (issued under Supreme Decree No. 29376) remain in effect.
The law requires all tobacco companies and tobacco product importers to provide information to the Ministry of Health and Sports every year on the ingredients and levels of tobacco smoke components for each of its products. This includes data on the levels of tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, arsenic, and other components for every brand and brand variant, measured by ISO standards.
The law aligns with FCTC Art. 10 and the FCTC Arts. 9 & 10 Partial Guidelines in that it requires disclosure by manufacturers and importers to government authorities of information on the emissions of their cigarettes.
Disclosed information readily available to the public
The law does not require that disclosed information be made readily available to the public.
To align with FCTC Art. 10 and the FCTC Arts. 9 & 10 Partial Guidelines, the law should require that disclosed information on contents and emissions be made readily available to the public.