Legislation by Country/Jurisdiction
Last updated: September 14, 2022
Smoke Free Status of Outdoor Places
Health and educational establishments
Smoking or keeping a tobacco product lit is prohibited at a distance of 100 meters from such establishments.
Government facilities
Smoking or keeping a tobacco product lit is prohibited in both indoor and outdoor areas of public institutions at different levels of government.
Hotels and other lodging facilities
Smoking or keeping a tobacco product lit is prohibited in both indoor and outdoor areas of hotels and other lodging facilities.
Premises for the sale and/or consumption of food, alcoholic beverages, nightlife, and entertainment
Smoking or keeping a tobacco product lit is prohibited in both indoor and outdoor areas of premises for the sale and/or consumption of food, alcoholic beverages, nightlife, and entertainment.
Facilities where sporting and cultural events are held
Smoking or keeping a tobacco product lit is prohibited in both indoor and outdoor areas of facilities where sporting and cultural events are held.
Facilities where flammable material or substances are stored, produced, marketed, and handled
Smoking or keeping a tobacco product lit is prohibited in both indoor and outdoor areas of facilities where flammable material or substances are stored, produced, marketed, and handled.
Public and private spaces for the recreation of children and adolescents
Smoking or keeping a tobacco product lit is prohibited in public and private spaces for the recreation of children and adolescents.
Protected areas, forest areas, tourist areas, and at a distance of 100 meters from bodies of water
Smoking or keeping a tobacco product lit is prohibited in protected areas, forest areas, tourist areas, and at a distance of 100 meters from bodies of water.
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