Smokeless tobacco products are not common in Colombia. However, because smokeless tobacco is not illegal, the provisions of the law requiring warnings on all “tobacco products” should apply to all smokeless tobacco products that exist on the market.
A warning text and accompanying image must appear on the two principal display areas (front and back) of the tobacco product package, and occupy 30% of each display area. The warning must appear in a black box (2mm border) on a white background, in black Helvetica 14-point font.
There are six authorized text/image warnings. Each of the six warnings must appear on an equal number of packages of each brand each year. The Ministry of Welfare shall update the warnings annually, by November 20. By July 21 of the following year, manufacturers and importers may not offer for sale any packs displaying earlier health warnings.
To align with FCTC Art. 11 and the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines, the content of the health warning for smokeless tobacco products should address the specific dangers of smokeless tobacco. The law meets the minimum size requirements of FCTC Art. 11 (30%) and exceeds the minimum requirements by containing pictorial warnings. However, to more fully comply with FCTC Art. 11 and the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines, the law should require pictorial health warnings that occupy at least 50% of each principal display area.