Last updated: May 15, 2020



Sales Restrictions

Fine, Business License suspension or revocation, Other

(e.g., seizure of the product, publication of the violation/violator)

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Violations of the provisions of Art. 2 (including vending machine sales to minors and sale of single cigarettes) are punishable according to the penalties contained in the National Police Code. Violators of the sales restrictions are subject to a fine of 32 current legal minimum daily salaries, temporary suspension of the activity and/or destruction of the goods. The police authorities will carry out inspections, along with surveillance and control procedures at the points of sale to ensure compliance with these provisions. However, the sale of single cigarettes is only punishable when sold to minors, since the law does not establish a specific sanction when sold to adults.

Location-based Sales Restrictions


Tobacco sales are not restricted by location; therefore, there are no associated penalties.

Minimum Retail Package Size


Despite the law regulating the minimum size of tobacco product packages, there are no associated penalties unless these are sold to minors.

Minimum Legal Sales Age

Fine, Business License suspension or revocation, Other

(e.g., seizure of the product, publication of the violation/violator)

Expand to view related litigation

Violations of the provisions of Art. 2 (including sales to minors) are punishable according to the penalties contained in the National Police Code. Violators are subject to a fine of 32 current legal minimum daily salaries, temporary suspension of the activity and/or destruction of the goods. The police authorities will carry out inspections, along with surveillance and control procedures at the points of sale to ensure compliance with these provisions.