Last updated: March 7, 2022

Smoke Free Status of Outdoor Places

Does the law require any outdoor or quasi-outdoor spaces to be smoke free or restrict smoking in any way? Examples of such places include within a specified distance of doorways, outdoor patios of bars or restaurants, parks/beaches, outdoor stadiums, and outdoor markets.

Any place that provides services primarily to children or youth under the age of 21 years


The law prohibits smoking anywhere within the outside premises of schools intended mainly for children or youth under the age of 21 years, youth centers and amusement parks, and other place determined by the executive organ or regional health regulators.

Universities, colleges, and other higher education institutions


The law prohibits smoking anywhere within the outside premises of universities, colleges, and other higher education institutions.

Government facilities


The law prohibits smoking in any outdoor part of any government facilities.

Any outdoor space within ten meters of any door way, operable window or air intake mechanism of any public place or workplace


The law prohibits smoking in any outdoor space within ten meters of any door way operable window or air intake mechanism of any public place or workplace.

Healthcare facilities


The law prohibits smoking in any outdoor part of any healthcare facilities.