Tobacco Act (No. 693/1976) (as amended through 2010)
Note: This law was repealed by the Tobacco Act (No. 549/2016). This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Decree No. 225/1977 on Measures to Reduce Smoking (as amended)
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Decree No. 641/2002 on Labelling the Unit Packets of Tobacco Products, on Maximum Yields of and Methods for Measuring Harmful Substances, and on Testing Laboratories
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Decree No. 964/2006 Concerning Smoking Rooms in Restaurants and Other Catering Establishments
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Decree No. 1064/2008 on the Fire Safety of Cigarettes
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Decree No. 592/2016 on Standards and Notifications Concerning Tobacco Products and Similar Products
COMMENTS: Decree No. 592/2017 addresses methods for measuring emissions and testing fire safety; information to be reported in lists of ingredients for tobacco products; and other requirements on submissions and verification laboratories.
COMMENTS: Decree No. 601/2016 addresses the structure, size, ventilation, and monitoring of smoking areas.
Decree No. 593/2016 on the Retail Sale of Tobacco Products and Related Products
COMMENTS: Decree No. 593/1016 sets out requirements on retail sale relating to issues such as retail licenses, monitoring plans, and product catalogs.
Decree No. 591/2016 on the Warning Labels on Unit Packets of Tobacco Products and Similar Products
COMMENTS: Decree No. 591/2016 sets out requirements for warning labels on packets of tobacco products and on e-cigarettes and refill containers. The decree was subsequently amended by Decree No. 296/2022, uploaded separately below.
Tobacco Act (No. 549/2016)
COMMENTS: This is the primary law on tobacco control and covers many aspects of tobacco control, including a general ban on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; restrictions on smoking in public places; production and sale of tobacco products; and tobacco packaging and labeling measures. Many of the requirements apply to e-cigarettes as well.
The law has been amended several times, many of which are uploaded separately below. The English Translation includes amendments through December 29, 2016. Up-to-date legislation can be found using the 'Official Website' link.
COMMENTS: Decree No. 1113/2016 addresses the application of smoking bans for housing communities.
Act Amending Section 82 of the Tobacco Act (No. 1116/2017)
COMMENTS: Act No. 1116/2017 amends provisions of the Tobacco Act on reporting and enforcement of violations of provisions on smoke free and smoking areas. The law updates a reference from an older law to the 2017 Alcohol Act.
Act Amending the Tobacco Act (No. 701/2018)
COMMENTS: Act No. 701/2018 amends the Tobacco Act to provide additional detail on measures related to trade secrets in submission, data storage, and publication of product information disclosed to authorities.
COMMENTS: Act No. 248/2019 amends the Tobacco Act’s provisions on labeling with respect to unique tracing identifier for retail packaging and related issues on security and authenticity. It also provides further details on wholesale retail; the right of authorities to access information from manufacturers, importers, and sellers; and disposal of products.
Act Amending the Tobacco Act (No. 283/2022)
COMMENTS: Act No. 283/2022 amends several provisions of the Tobacco Act. Among the amendments are provisions requiring the plain packaging of tobacco products and e-cigarettes beginning May 1, 2023. In addition, the law will prohibit the sale of products consumers can use to alter that taste or smell of tobacco products, such as flavor cards; products already manufactured may continue to be sold through April 30, 2023.
Decree No. 296/2022 Amending the Decree on the Warning Labels on Unit Packets of Tobacco Products and Similar Products
COMMENTS: Decree No. 296/2022 amends several provisions of Decree No. 591/2016 as it relates to health warnings and plain packaging of tobacco and e-cigarette packaging.