Last updated: June 5, 2024

Key Terms


Term Defined

“Electronic cigarette” means a product that can be used for the consumption of vapour that contains nicotine, via a mouthpiece, or any component of that product, including a cartridge, a tank and the device without cartridge or tank. Electronic cigarettes may be disposable or refillable by means of a refill container and a tank, or rechargeable with single-use cartridges.


For the purpose of this review, we will be using the term “e-cigarette” when referring to “electronic cigarette.”


Term Defined

“Advertising” means when a product or brand is presented to the public with the aim of increasing sales of the product, including any form of product promotion, displays in shops or in other places or by discussion in the media, web media or social media or by distribution of product samples to consumers.

Refill container

Term Defined

“Refill container” means a receptacle that contains nicotine liquid or other liquid intended to refill an electronic cigarette.

Special retail outlet for nicotine products, electronic cigarettes and refill containers

Term Defined

“Special retail outlet for nicotine products, electronic cigarettes and refill containers” means a retail outlet having only nicotine products, electronic cigarettes, refill containers and associated products for sale.


The definition of “special retail outlet for electronic cigarettes and refill containers” is significant because product display is permitted in only these establishments.