Last updated: July 20, 2022

Warnings/Messages Content

Does the content of the warnings/messages address:
Health impacts
Advice on cessation (e.g., the benefits of cessation or steps to take to stop smoking)
Addictive nature of tobacco
Adverse economic and social outcomes
Impact of tobacco use on friends and family
Quitline phone number and/or website
Description of current required warnings/messages:

Tobacco products must display one of the following warnings:

1. Warning! Cigarettes are harmful to your physical fitness.
2. Warning! Each cigarette introduces 43 carcinogens into your body.
3. Warning! Cigarettes cause diseases and premature death.
4, Warning! Medical studies have determined that smoking during pregnancy endangers your fetus.
5. Warning! Medical studies have determined that smoking causes impotence.
6. Warning! Medical studies have determined that smoking causes addiction.
7. Warning! Cigarette smoke is harmful to the health of your children and all those around you.
8. Warning! Smoking causes premature aging of the facial skin.
9. Warning! Medical studies have determined that children of parents who smoke suffer more from asthma.
10. Warning! Medical studies have determined that 85% of all cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking.
11. Warning! Cigarettes cause stroke and heart diseases.
12. Warning! Medical studies have determined that 75% of heart attacks up to age 45 are sustained by smokers.

On cartons, the warning shall read: “Warning!: smoking kills.”