Last updated: February 11, 2024

Key Terms

Heated Tobacco Product

Term Not Defined

For the purpose of this review, we will be using the term “HTP” when referring to a “heated tobacco product."

Tobacco product

Term Defined

“Tobacco product” means products made entirely or partly from tobacco leaves and other products that contain nicotine, which is toxic and addictive.


The definition of “tobacco product” is significant because it encompasses tobacco inserts. In addition, Art. 47 of the law prohibits the use of new forms of tobacco products, including HTPs.

Tobacco use

Term Defined

“Tobacco use” means smoking, chewing, blowing, smelling, sucking, inhaling, eating, spreading, fumigating, spraying into the mouth or nose, or using other means that produce smoke, vapor, aerosol, or other substances.


The definition of “tobacco use” is significant because it includes the use of HTPs. Because the definition of “tobacco use” includes “smoking,” “sucking” and “inhaling,” the use of HTPs falls within the definition of “tobacco use”.

Second-hand smoke

Term Defined

“Second-hand smoke” means the tobacco smoke exhaled by a smoker or arising from a burning or heated tobacco product.


The definition of “smoke” is significant because it encompasses HTP emissions.

Imitation tobacco product

Term Defined

“Imitation tobacco product” means a product that is similar to a tobacco product.

Business operator

Term Defined

“Business operator” means a manufacturer, importer, exporter, wholesaler, distributor or retailer of tobacco products.

Sponsorship from the tobacco industry

Term Defined

“Sponsorship from the tobacco industry” means all types of direct and indirect support through any activity or means e.g. sponsorship for education, sport, art, culture, medical equipment, research, analysis, agriculture, livestock, or corporate social responsibility to encourage/promote the sale and use of tobacco products.

Advertising of tobacco products

Term Defined

“Advertising of tobacco products” means an act undertaken by any direct or indirect means aiming to encourage, provide incentives for, or promote the purchase/use of a tobacco product through persons, printing, television, radio, cinema, electronic media, video, telephone, billboards, posters, picture exhibitions, tobacco product displays at the point of sale, social activities, or other means.