Last updated: February 11, 2024

Key Terms

Tobacco Product

Term Defined

“Tobacco product” means products made entirely or partly from tobacco leaves and other products that contain nicotine, which is toxic and addictive.


The definition of "tobacco product” contained in the law does not align with the definition provided in FCTC Art. 1(f). The definition does not state that the product is manufactured for smoking, sucking, chewing, or snuffing. The definition could also make clear that tobacco products contain, wholly or in part, leaf tobacco as a raw material. The law should contain a definition of "tobacco product" in accordance with the definition provided in FCTC Art. 1(f).

FCTC-Based Definition

Any product entirely or partly made of the leaf tobacco as a raw material which is manufactured to be used for smoking, sucking, chewing, or snuffing. (FCTC Art. 1(f))

Outside Packaging and Labeling

Term Not Defined

The law does not contain a definition of "outside packaging and labeling." Undefined key terms or ambiguous definitions can make interpretation difficult and undermine the application of other substantive provisions of a law. A definition of "outside packaging and labeling" should be provided in accordance with the definition provided in FCTC Art. 11(4).

FCTC-Based Definition

Any packaging and labeling used in the retail sale of the product. (FCTC Art. 11(4))

Health Warnings

Term Defined

“Health warning” means the pictorial and text health warnings.


The definition of “health warning” is significant because it clarifies that health warnings are composed of both pictures and text.


Term Defined

“Labels” means the text that is printed on the outside of each packet and carton to educate consumers of tobacco products.


The definition of "labels" is significant because it clarifies that this is the information contained on the sides of tobacco product packaging.