
Law of Mongolia on Licensing

01 Feb, 2001

COMMENTS: The Law of Mongolia on Licensing contains details about issuing, suspending, and revoking a license. Under the Law on Tobacco Control, retail traders in tobacco products must obtain a license.

Law on Tobacco Control (as amended to December 2015)

COMMENTS: The Law on Tobacco Control is the primary piece of legislation on tobacco control in Mongolia. The law’s provisions address: guiding principles for the legislation; basic duties of the state, citizen, and legal entity; the regulation of tobacco manufacturing, trade, use in public places, and advertising; financing of the legislation; and provisions on liability and enforcement. The law was most recently amended in December 2015.

Standard MNS 5024:2008 on General Technical Requirements for Cigarettes

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Standard MNS 5024:2013 on General Technical Requirements for Cigarettes

COMMENTS: Standard MNS 5024:2013 on General Technical Requirements for Cigarettes addresses production, packaging, labeling, quality control, storage, transportation, and sale of cigarettes.

Standard MNS 6274:2013 on General Technical Requirements for Pipe Tobacco

COMMENTS: Standard MNS 6274:2013 on General Technical Requirements for Pipe Tobacco addresses production, packaging, labeling, quality control, storage, transportation, and sale of pipe tobacco.

Ministry of Health Order No. A/09 on the Approval of Updated Posters and Illustration of the Health Warnings

COMMENTS: Ministry of Health Order No. A/09 contains an updated round of picture health warnings.

To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of January 11, 2021 unless otherwise noted.