Legislation by Country/Jurisdiction
Last updated: January 11, 2021
Health Warnings/Messages Features
On boxes, containers, and packages of cigarettes, the law requires a text and graphic health warning covering at least 65% of the front and back surfaces of the pack. Font (Arial 12, bold and uppercase), color (white background, black frame), and size (5x2 cm) are prescribed.
Six health warnings are issued at a time, and the warnings will be changed once every three years. One of the six health warnings appears on each package.
On containers and packages of pipe tobacco and other similar bulk tobacco, the law requires a text and graphic health warning covering at least 65% of the front surface of the pack. The other requirements are the same as those for cigarettes.
The law meets FCTC Art. 11 and aligns with the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines in that warnings meet the minimum size requirements of covering at least 30% (and more than 50%) of the principal display areas, the warnings contain pictures as well as text, and rotation is required. The law should require health warnings on pipe tobacco packaging on both the front and back surfaces.
The health warning requirements for packages of smokeless tobacco products are uncertain. The Law on Tobacco Control specifies requirements for cigarette packs and pipe tobacco “or tobacco packages equal to that.” Similarly, Ministry of Health Order No. A/09 states that health warnings should be printed on packaging of “tobacco products,” but then details requirements only for cigarettes and pipe tobacco and “other similar bulk tobacco containers and packages.”
To meet FCTC Art. 11 and align with the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines, the law should require, at a minimum, large, clear, visible, legible, and rotating health warnings and messages that cover more than 50% but at least 30% of the principal display areas. Health warnings should contain pictures as well as text. In addition, the content of the health warnings should address the specific dangers of smokeless tobacco.
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